
872 Entries

We’ve put together some top notch gifts this year, and you could take all of them home!

Please note this competition is open from 28 April 2017 until 14 May 2017 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize. Users who unsubscribe will no longer be eligible to win this prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. A. MurrayQLD
  • I would like to give my mum a holiday in Tasmania because she spent all her marrried life there and loved it.But had to move to Qld as she got old. It would give her so much pleasure to go back as she absolutely loves Tasmania.

  • I’d love to give my mum a carefree day – a day of whimsy, fun and indulgence! She gave me an entire childhood of joyful memories and was always there to ensure my younger years were carefree, so I’d love to return the favour and help her rediscover her inner kid!

  • Mum cooks and cleans she does the weeds,
    Glum as a plum when she use to clean my bum,
    She Deserves more than a I can afford, so please let me win and make her grin!

  • Mum needs a Navman Drive DUO SUV because she’s directionally challenged!

  • Better health

  • My undivided attention and time, a smile, a belly laugh, a treasured memory for the future, a heartfelt moment and sense without doubt that she is loved. !

  • A day off, the same thing I think all mums would ask for (and secretly all want). You can keep the slippers!

  • I am lucky in that I got to give it to her last year. The news of her impending grandmotherhood! By showing her this photo on her birthday/Motherday last year. This year is baby cuddles and Nanna presents

  • One last trip to the States to catch up with her penfriend of 54 years who lives on a tiny island of the coast of Massachusetts.

  • I would love to give her a trip back to Italy. She came to Australia with her family when she was just 16 years old, she’s now 78 and has never been back. It would be nice for her to see it one more time while she is still able to travel.

  • A NAVMAN. She was suppose to follow us after Mother’s Day lunch so we could get her on her way back home to Canberra. She was behind us then decided to go straight when we turned right. It took 1 hour and numerous phone calls to find out where she was!!!

  • All I would love to give my mum is a hug, however the best I can do is look up at the skies and tell her I miss her.

  • I’d love to give my mum the Navman Drive DUO SUV, she is always getting lost and has talked about wanting a dash cam, so the Navman Drive DUO SUV would certainly solve both issues and give me peace of mind.

  • A visit from family and a meal cooked…..the simplest things in life…….

  • I would love to bring back her mum (nan) so we could have one last mother’s day together as the trio we are

  • If I was a magician, then a day free of pain, but since I am not, a day where she can get out of bed and enjoy some sunshine with afternoon tea. Osteoporosis and constant broken bones is not a fun way to age.

  • the biggest hug, mum passed away 5 years ago 🙁

  • I would like to give my mum a Navman Drive DUO SUV to help her arrive safely and efficiently wherever she wants to go.

  • I’d love to give my wonderful mum a NavWOman for Mother’s Day,
    So no matter how far apart we are, she always knows her way!

  • To have all the family together without arguing or drama. One day it may just happen.

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