

This older sister really doesn’t want her baby brother to grow up!

This cute video shows Sadie crying over her baby brother growing up

Watch the video below… 

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  • Very sweet indeed. Just so gorgeous.


  • I hear you Sadie…haha that’s how I feel when I think about my babies growing up! It’s a precious video. That’s a very lucky little boy there with such a sweet big Sister.


  • So dweet !


  • Oh little darlings. very cute.


  • This little girl needs a big cuddle and to be reminded of all the great things will happen when she and her brother grow up. How cute was bub, smiling at his sister’s tears?


  • The baby has such a lovely smile – but if I were her mother, I would be saying something like he will still be cute as he grows up so she doesn’t worry about things like this.


  • I can understand her not wanting her little brother to go up (at this age) he is cute but when he’s older things will change. I don’t want my baby to grow up either.


  • That’s so beautiful!!


  • I’m concerned for this little girl … she’s got issues (lol).

    • We don’t know what was said to the little girl that may have triggered here emotional reaction. We also don’t know how old the little girl is. She may be quite big for her age.


  • She’s adorable. And that boy. He’s got such a sweet smile!!! :-)


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