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This morning Australia and the World continues to be rocked as news of the Lindt Chocolat Cafe seige unfolds.

The news becomes even more tragic when this morning we learned that one of the hostages that was killed in the gunfire exchange in the final moments of the seige was 38 year  old Mum to 3 young children aged between 4 and 10, Katrina Dawson.

This mum was Sydney barrister Katrina Dawson – who yesterday morning would have no doubt got her children organised for their day and then kissed them all as she left for work.  None of them were to know that this would be the very last time she looked into their eyes, held them tight or kissed their precious faces.

She then met a work colleague, barrister Julie Taylor, for a coffee at the Lindt Chocolat Cafe in Martin Place.  It’s been reported her friend was halfway through her pregnancy – both women were then caught up as hostages when the horrific seige began.

It’s also been reported that the children’s father, Paul Smith from law firm King & Wood Mallesons and Katrina’s family prayed the seige would have a positive outcome so had not told any of their children about what was unfolding and the fact that it included their mum.

When she was pronounced dead after being taken to hospital just after 2am this morning, their World changed forever.  This morning they would learn that Mummy wasn’t going to be able to come home anymore.

Words can’t describe the tragedy of the situation; a beautiful Mum taken from her family in such horrific circumstances and a family who will forever feel the gaping hole left by the fact that Mummy isn’t there anymore.

There is nothing that can be said or done to ease their pain.  This loss will ripple across their lives forever.  Time will allow them all to grieve, to process their loss and to (very eventually) begin to move ahead. But life will never be the same. It is just so crushingly heart-breaking that loss like this has to ever occur.

They had everything ahead of them – Christmas, a family holiday with friends, Katrina was an outstanding barrister and had a very successful career ahead of her … they had the rest of their lives.

All we pray is that Katrina now rests in peace and her children and family are enveloped with love, kindness and understanding.

From the thousands of Mouths of Mums mums, we send out our thoughts, love and blessings.

Edit (11.40am 16.12.14) Official news has now been released of the other victim, TORI JOHNSON, the 34 year old Manager of the Lindt Chocolat Cafe.  Conflicting reports are coming in as to whether he died from gunfire or a heart attack.

Our hearts go out to Tori’s family today also; the tragic loss of life will forever remain etched in our minds. You can read our report for Tori Johnson and tribute here.

Much love,

Nikki Hills xo

(Founder of MoM and mum of 4)

  • Mt heart breaks for her children, knowing mummy is never coming home again.


  • So heartbreaking. Her kids are all about the same ages as mine and it makes you realise that at anytime your life can drastically change forever xx


  • So awful, hope her children one day will be able to see their mum was a hero that day. RIP


  • Terrible, I think I cry every time I hear Santa Claus is coming to town.


  • will pray for their family to provide strength


  • I feel for her children, I’m also sad about how public it was so all the family have to see it, and watch the moment she was murdered, would be horrible.


  • yes this will be devastating to her young family. i pray that they will find strength and comfort in knowing that they were loved very much.


  • Such a sad tragic thing to happen to all involved. My heart breaks for the families that willhave to live with this for the rest of their lives. RIP Katrina, may your family eventually find some peace.


  • very sad… may both victims RIP!
    I hope all the other hostages are able to get on with their lives and are not too badly affected by this terrible event!


  • how very said, it was a black day in Australian history, deepest sympathies to the families that lost loved ones, the other hostages who will have to live forever with the trauma and the emergency services who had to endure the unknown with everyone else, whilst putting their own lives on the line as well,


  • My heart broke for this lady’s family. As a mum of 5 I can’t imagine the horror of her last moments knowing she was leaving her children. Thankfully they have a loving family around them although there will forever be a hole that was filled by their mum.
    A completely unnecessary and horrific tragedy that selfishly took the lives of too many innocent people Love and prayers to those who lost a loved one. I can never imagine the heartbreak u must be feeling but please know many around the world are standing in ur corner to try and make this world better for the future generations


  • Feel sad that this can happen at random and a precious family devastated by this tragic act of violence. My thoughts I send to the family, words are not enough but wanted to send my condolences


  • This is so sad. It brings me to tears just thinking about it. Perhaps this would not have happened if that dreadful individual had been locked up not roaming free. The law in this country is so hard to comprehend! My thoughts , love and Prayers are with this lovely lady that was taken from us so suddenly and her family.


  • My thoughts are with all those involved in this tragedy. It really saddens me.


  • Words and thoughts just don’t seem enough. I’m so proud of our how community and country has rallied.


  • It’s just all so sad that something like this has touched our beautiful country and horrible that two beautiful people lost their lives, I hope their families find some peace and some comfort in the outpouring of love from around the world.


  • Unbelievable pain and loss for these families. Action has to be taken NOW by politicians and justice systems. Increase police powers in such situations and make sure they are backed to the hilt by the courts!!


  • The floral tributes are a beautiful gesture.


  • No tributes opportunity for Katrina?


  • There is never an ‘easy’ time to deal with the death of a loved one, and no doubt Katrina’s family and loved ones are now trying to find the answers to the many ‘why’s’ that will arise as a result of her life being taken by one depraved individual.

    My thoughts and prayers are with Katrina’s family and loved ones, and all of the hostages who survived and are now coming to terms that some of the others held with them didn’t.


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