
I know someone who can not tolerate crunch in any shape, form or sound! They cringe when an apple is chomped or nuts are munched. They pretty much want to punch the noisy eater in the face.

If you feel the same, you may be relieved to know that this is a genuine condition called Misophonia, which means ‘hatred of sound’.

According to Pretty52, this doesn’t mean that you hate all sounds, just that there are certain noises that will drive you delusional – such as slurping, coughing, pen clicking, heavy breathing and hysterical laughter.

It’s A Genuine Brain Abnormality

According to researchers at Newcastle University, it’s a genuine brain abnormality. Scientists scanned the brains of 42 people – 20 suffering from Misophonia and 22 without the condition – to find out why this happens.

While being scanned in an MRI, the participants were played a selection of noises, such as screaming, chomping and other trigger sounds as well as more pleasant sounds such as rain.

The results revealed that the anterior insular – the part of the brain that correlates our senses with our emotions – was overly active in Misophonia.

“They are going into overdrive when they hear these sounds, but the activity was specific to the trigger sounds not the other two sounds,” Dr Sukhbinder Kumar from Newcastle University said.

Grrr…Makes Me So Angry

“The reaction is anger mostly, it’s not disgust. The dominating emotion is the anger – it looks like a normal response, but then it is going into overdrive.”

Olana Tansley-Hancock has suffered from the condition since she was eight years old and really struggles with sounds like breathing and eating, according to the BBC.

“I feel there’s a threat and get the urge to lash out – it’s the fight or flight response,” she said. “Anyone eating crisps is always going to set me off, the rustle of the packet is enough to start a reaction.

“It’s not a general annoyance, it’s an immediate ‘Oh my God, what is that sound?’ I need to get away from it or stop it’.”

No More Movies

Olana even had to stop going to the movies because of all the popcorn chewing and the level of annoying voices that come from the back row.

She told BBC News: “I spent a long time avoiding places like the cinema. I’d have to move carriages seven or eight times on 30-minute train journeys, and I left a job after three months as I spent more time crying and having panic attacks than working.”

Well, it’s interesting to know that this is a real condition, rather than someone just being really grumpy.

Are there any noises that drive you crazy? Tell us in the comments.

  • My youngest daughter is like this. She really cant handle it at all.


  • Even worse once you have a hearing aid – it magnifies the crunching and just moving the jaw makes sounds in your ear.


  • Tapping, drives me insane!


  • I don’t like the sound of hand held vacuum cleaner.My husband use it always to pick up kids mess.It never ending.


  • Wow I never knew this was a condition. I get angry when my son chews his food so fast his top and bottom teeth make a cracking sound. I feel so bad because now he either eats in another room so he doesn’t annoy me.


  • My hubby cringes when I bite into hard icy poles or similar. He has very sensitive teeth and can’t believe the things I can bite into! But in the nice quiet of a weekend morning, it’s his eating of toast that drives me nuts.


  • I didn’t know about this
    But it is so me I can’t stand loud eating it ends up in a argument at my house because hubby eats loud


  • I didn’t know about this


  • I definitely suffer from this. I can’t stand the sound of chomping/chewing…….drives me insane!!!


  • This is my husband to a tee. He hates it when I drink, swallow or crunch but said it doesn’t bother him when he does it himself. Wow, who knew it is a brain abnormality. He has ASD so is weird anyway!!

    • Wow not the easiest to live with, hope he doesn’t get annoyed with you ! Funny that his own crunchy noises doesn’t bother him


  • I had the scrapping sound, especially on plates


  • Knifes and forks clinking and scrapping against plates. Chalk on a chalk board!


  • I wonder how these people cope when they eat themselves something crunchy, cause you hear that just as much….or would their own diet not contain crunchy food at all ?

    • Interesting point! I adore crunchy foods and the crunch is so satisfying!


  • Some days I can handle it some days it drives me mental! Crunching food is horrible. I also can’t handle squeaky knives and forks on plates or chalk on a chalk board!


  • Crunching not so much. My partner chews his food loudly and speaks with food in his mouth, which is disgusting and drives me insane! I’ve said to him its basic table manners and his mum would have taught him better. He replied that she did but she’s gone now so it doesn’t matter. Oh but it dies matter ????


  • Goodness! Maybe wear earplugs in some situations such as on a train?


  • Sorry I’m a really loud chewer, not on purpose tho 🙁


  • Not crunching but snoring drives me insane !


  • Crunching doesn’t bother me but my god people who chew with their mouth open drive me insane! My 6 yr old sometimes does so I refuse to eat breakfast at the same time as her. Lunch and dinner are fine but breakfast is a no go!


  • Eating sounds! We play music at home when we eat a meal together so that I don’t have to hear the unpleasant sounds of eating


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