There was a time when coffee was believed to cause illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. Recent research has proven coffee does not increase the risk of developing these physical ailments.
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Studies have concluded that coffee provides a number of important health benefits to people who regularly consume it.
Everything from protecting against depression, providing important nutrition and more.
It seems coffee can also decrease incidents of depression as well as improve a person’s cognitive functions.
1. Dark roast coffee benefits
A study conducted by the Molecular Nutrition and Food Research concluded the best coffee roasters are dark roast coffees. They restored levels of vitamin E, gutathione and other antioxidants in the blood.
Dark roast coffee also provided weight loss in the pre-obese volunteers. Other research showed dark roast coffee produced a chemical called N-methylpyridinium during its roasting process. This chemical has proven its ability to prevent cells in a person’s stomach from producing excess acid.
This means dark roast coffee can improve a person’s digestion.
2. Nutritional benefits
The nutritional facts for coffee are impressive. There is research available that shows coffee is a good source for antioxidants as well as other vitamins.
One cup of coffee contains the recommended daily recommended allowance (RDA) for many different vitamins and minerals. It has six percent of the RDA for vitamin B5, eleven percent of the RDA for vitamin B2, two percent RDA for B1 and B3 as well as three percent of the RDA requirements for potassium and manganese. When a person has a cup of coffee, they’ve consumed a number of important vitamins as well as minerals.
3. DNA protection
One of the amazing facts about coffee is how it provides protection to a person’s DNA from oxidative damage. This is according to the results of a study published in the European Journal of Nutrition. Should oxidative damage to a person’s DNA be ignored, a number of illnesses can develop. According to researchers, drinking coffee on a regular basis decreases damage to a person’s white blood cells. The study concluded that regular consumption of coffee contributes significantly to a person’s DNA integrity.
4. Avoid depression
It seems that many healthy women regularly drink coffee. They know having coffee first thing in the morning will have a positive impact on their mood that could last all day. There is even proof this is real. The Harvard School of Public Health has published a study.
It concluded that women who regularly consume coffee on a daily basis had a twenty percent lower risk of developing depression when compared to women who did not drink coffee.
The study followed a group of women for a decade. It discovered the more coffee consumed by a woman, the less chance she had of developing depression.
5. Improves brain function
Research has shown that drinking coffee can improve a person’s mood but can also increase a person’s brain function. A number of controlled trials have carefully studied the effects of caffeine from coffee on a person’s brain. They determined caffeine in coffee is able to block the effects of the neurotransmitter adenosine in a person’s brain. When this happens, the release of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrin as well as dopamine increases.
The higher levels of dopamine and neopinephrin have been linked to an improvement in a person’s memory, reaction time as well as their brain’s overall cognitive functions.
Does this make you feel better about drinking coffee?
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