CategoryToddlers & Preschool
Rainy day activities for toddlers?
That don’t involve the TV!
3 AnswersSchool holiday activities that don’t cost much?
Need some school holiday ideas so we don’t all go batty!
3 AnswersWhen do you start your Christmas prep?
I need to be more organised this christmas. When do you start buying for Christmas and what do you start off buying?
22 AnswersAre you buying from the big w toy sale?
What are you getting your kids from the big w toy sale for christmas? Theres not a lot that is catching my...
7 AnswersAt what age was your child dry overnight?
My son is 4 and still needs a pull up overnight. I’m curious if it just happens when they’re ready, which is what...
2 AnswersWhere are fun places to take kids to in melbourne
Need new ideas on where to take the kiss
6 AnswersHow do you be more green?
I have four kiddos between 2-14 in the house. I find it increasingly hard to be more eco conscious & green in our...
19 AnswersPhillips Airfryer recipes
Hi Mums .. I have just purchased an air fryer and wondering if anyone has some great recipes for toddlers or know of...
1 AnswersSome toilet training tips??
I have a 2 year old who I would like to toilet train, but his speech is limited. I am wondering if this...
6 AnswersHow do I say No?
My son is almost 10 months old and is bad for biting,pulling hair and sqweeling so ear piercing it scares the crap out...
8 AnswersWhats on your must take items camping list?
First time going camping with hubby and our two girls. Ive got the normal things like bedding and extra clothes but im wondering...
9 AnswersHow to organise headbands for my daughter
She has alot of them and i just dont know what to do, with clip bows its easy
7 AnswersHow can I get my 5 year old (prep) to learn how to...
I want something new other than sight words or flash cards
4 AnswersGood age to go to the cinema
What is a good age for a child to go to the cinema. My son is 3 and will sit still for a...
5 AnswersHow to get a 3 year old to listen
It’s very hard to get my son to listen to me. I know he’s 3 and he’s at that age but even the...
13 AnswersWhat to expect when giving out contact info for a ...
My oldest has just started prep and as all kids do they want to have play dates with...
11 AnswersHow to get kids to help clean up their toys?
My youngest (who is three) will not clean up at all. Ive taken toys away from her and even pretended to throw them...
14 AnswersFirst birthday party help
My daughter is turning 1 soon and we are having a birthday party to celebrate. Usually with parties I ask people to not...
23 AnswersGetting my daughter back
So I was going through a really tough stage, so I asked my daughter’s grandmother (ex’s mum) if she could look after my...
9 AnswersIndoor play centres East / Southeast Melbourne
Hi. Does anyone know of some good indoor play centres around Camberwell/Glen Iris?
2 AnswersHas anyone else’s 3yr old started getting up at ...
My just turned 3rd has started a nightly routine of getting up at who knows what time eating...
4 AnswersWhat was your baby's first word?
My daughter’s first word was dog when she was 11 months and my son’s first word which just come out on mother’s Day...
24 Answers