CategoryToddlers & Preschool
Isn’t the age of 2 too young to step down to red...
The current recommendations state that from post breast feeding until the age of two, children should drink full...
13 AnswersToilet training 2.5 year old
My son has shown interest in using the potty. This morning he did a little wee and I’m not sure where to go...
3 AnswersHow to get along with fellow kindy Mums
I’m a Carer of my Grandson who’s at kindy. He has behaviour issues & no one seems to play or invite him to...
5 AnswersChilds exercises for hypo-mobility
My daughter has hypo-mobility in her joints so would love some exercises for her. Any suggestions?
2 AnswersMy baby has eczema, any solutions before hydrocort...
My baby has eczema on the creases of her elbows and the back of her knees. I have...
8 AnswersDoes breast feeding create terrible sleepers?
My first two children were fed expressed breast milk. My third child was successfully breastfed for the first 6months. My first two were...
12 AnswersI’m undecided on if I should toilet train my 21 ...
My son hates having his nappy changed – would rather walk around with poo and wee in it...
15 AnswersMy 3yo will not tell me when she needs toilet
For some reason my daughter is scared of telling me she needs to go to the toilet. How can I get her to tell...
8 AnswersWhat age is best to transition your baby from thei...
My 18 month old is beginning to try and climb onto or even out of everything (coffee table,...
7 AnswersHilton Primary in Fremantle Any Info?!
Seeking information about Hilton Primary in Fremantle. I’ve been searching schools ina different area only to find that I will now be moving...
Add your answerMy fussy eater has constipation – any tips?
Having a fussy eater with constipation is not easy. Any idea to encourage my kid to eat...
13 AnswersWill my sons belly button hernia go away by itself...
My son who has just turned 4 has had a belly button hernia since his belly button peg...
4 AnswersWhat are the best toys for 1 year olds?
What is your 1 year old’s favourite toy or activity? Looking for ideas for a 1st birthday present.
6 AnswersHow do I help a second time mum adjust?
My best friend is about to have her second child and I’m looking for ideas of how I can help her adjust when...
5 AnswersHow do you wash your child’s hair when they cry?...
How do you wash your child’s hair when they cry? Please share your tips.
9 AnswersWhat age is best for giving up a dummy?
What age is best for giving up a dummy? How did you do it? Please share your experiences.
9 AnswersLittle miss stubborn
I Have a 3.5 year old girl and every time I ask her to do something she roles her eyes and doesn't look...
9 AnswersBaby Boy hitting
My baby boy has been hitting me and my husband in the face and everyone else. My parents, my bestfriend and today a...
3 AnswersTips for toilet training before 2?
My 18 month old has been using the toilet since he was 14 months, we started because we noticed that he was starting...
4 AnswersHas anyone used tissue salts to help your child wi...
I have a 6 and a 4 year old who still wet the bed. A pharmacy assistant told...
3 AnswersWhat is the best way to toilet train my 2 year old...
We have a small bathroom and I am not sure what is the best way to do it....
2 AnswersHow do I get my daughter to sleep in her bed?
She thinks my bed is her bed ever since cot was taken away. She is 3 years old and I am desperate to...
1 Answers