
I feel like I’m going crazy lately my 2 almost 2 year old girls are constantly taking their clothes off including their nappies. This morning one of them took her nappy off without me noticing (she had a long dress on) and pooped on the floor. Guess who stepped in that bare foot. ? Lovely. Yesterday one of them took her nappy off (thankfully only wee) and spun it around so fast it broke open and the little bits went everywhere. They do it so quickly too little monkeys.

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  • I used these baby wonder suits singlets, they do go up to size 2-3 yrs old and often they become a bit larger in wearing.
    You can also use the wondersuits which come with a zipper with arms & legs; cut the arms and legs off and wear the suit back to front (with the zip on the back)

  • As others have said, this is VERY typical at this age! But it’s a super struggle in winter.

  • This is a phase that unfortunately you’ll just have to ride out. We were lucky with our son who skipped this but currently going through it with our 1 year old girl. Houdini managed to remove her nappy what wearing a bonds wondersuit. Its funny and annoying all at once

  • Just remember, it is a phase.

  • We went with overalls too, easier to keep on a practical too.

  • It won’t last forever but in the mean time distraction when you can. Choose clothes that are harder to get off like overalls or tights.

  • Children do go through stages, it can change.

  • This is a tricky one! It’s developmentally appropriate for this behaviour to occur as they begin developing more awareness and need to make their own independent choices.
    I wonder about offering them the choice of clothing each day and maybe discussions about toilet readiness?
    Discussions about where and when it is appropriate to be dressed and not.

  • They do out grow it when they develop a better understanding. My LO would take his clothes off every time he would get upset or angry (even in front of others) he doesn’t do it anymore.

  • I wonder if they are getting ready to be toilet trained? That might help. Sorry I don’t have any other ideas. Best wishes for this stage.

  • My oldest used to take all her clothes off all the time too. Dead of winter on 14 degree days and she’d try to be naked.
    I used to put her button up clothes and jumpers on backwards, as she couldn’t take them off that way.
    I had ladies come and check if I knew at playgroup all the time, worried.
    I’d laugh and say it was the only way to keep clothes on her!
    She eventually stopped and I could dress her normally again.
    Try only using clothes that they can’t easily take off themselves (no dresses!)
    She’s now starting year 7 next year, and definitely doesn’t try to run around naked all the time anymore!

  • I would suggest positive reinforcement at their age. They should be old enough to understand that if they keep their clothes on they will get special rewards. Think of times when they will usually take off their clothes and reward them when the clothes are still on. If they mess up, explain if they keep the clothes on they will receive a reward and follow through immediately.

  • I would be dressing them in something they can’t get off easily themselves. In a month or so, but all of a sudden, they won’t want to do this anymore. Hang in there. One day you will look back on this and laugh.

  • My twins (two boys) just turned 3. We went through the same thing. It was just a phase. It stopped all of a sudden.
    I put bodysuits on my boys. The ones you button up on the bottom and they couldn’t take them off. That helped a lot.

  • Oh my goodness. I’m sorry to hear all of this has happened. I don’t really have any advice but maybe try and get them toilet trained asap so you don’t end up stepping in it all.

  • I would probably put a onesie over the nappy, see if you can get them with a back fastening

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