
My daughter who is 4.5 is interested in dancing and gymnastics at home and I would love to try her at one of these sports but in the past when I have enrolled her in a new activity she hasn’t been willing to give it a go. How can I encourage her to take that step? What tools do you have that could help me encourage her?

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  • Do they let parents stay for the classes? That made a big difference for us.

  • I had this issue with my son. Perseverance is the key. Keep going, happy to just watch if that’s all she can manage, then one day she’ll just get up and have a go

  • If she has someone else who can go along with her it might give her a bit more confidence to know there is someone there with her.

  • Don’t force her

  • Most classes offer a free trial lesson. I would book one and see how she likes it. Maybe even find out if any friends from daycare or school attend as well and book for the same day.

  • Just keep talking to her about the positives of joining a class – being taught new moves, meeting new friends having fun. Just keep talking to her about it leading up to it. She is still young so don’t worry too much if she just isn’t ready…

  • Let her choose what she wants to go to. She’ll let you know of something interests her enough. Sometimes they are encouraged by joining a friend who is participating in something. .

  • We are big advocates of letting our children decide what they want to participate in. Maybe ask her if she would like to do these activities outside of the home. It may be that she just enjoys the fun at home. Don’t push her to explore those things outside, I’m sure she will when she is ready

  • My both daughters were not sport kids I did try but they just didnt like it so I encouraged them to do other activities which they loved like learning to draw and paint acting

  • It can also take some time for children to find an activity or sport that fits with their personality.

  • I don’t know how “good” this is, but we use rewards as encouragement. Our 4 year old is very reserved but is super keen on sport. We take him to soccer on weekends with the encouragement that we will go to the arcade afterwards to play some games. His club also give all the kids in his age group icy poles at the end of each session. He is still reluctant to participate most days we go, but he is slowly warming up to it. We just make sure we get involved and don’t push him too much.

  • I would investigate if you could book a free gymnastic or dance trial.
    To keep your child interested and enjoying sport, try to make it a positive experience for them. Focus on having fun, giving it a try and being active, rather than winning or losing and model failure.

  • We have always gone along to try out days and that helps children to get a feel for a new sport or activity with little pressure.

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