
I really want to buy myself a Coffee machine but have no idea of what type and are they really worth buying any suggestions

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  • Personally we can’t live without a coffee machine. We like a filter coffee machine. Currently we have one from Breville, but had Sunbeam in the past too

  • Yes it is absolutely worth it! We have a Breville Barista Express, and by taking good care of it and keeping up with maintenance we have had it for a few years now. I love being able to find the beans I want to use that meet my preference in strength and flavour, and the ease of making a great coffee at home. Once you perfect the art of a good crema it’s hard to not want that every morning. I find this particular machine pretty fast, about 5 mins to make 2 coffees, and cleaning is easy. Once a week clear the tray of any loose grinds, and about every fortnight to month do a descale treatment. Better to descale more frequently to ensure you get good life out of your machine. I’ll never go back to not having one in the house!

  • 109% worth it, we brought our 1st coffee machine 1/yrs ago it cost us about $2000 it died after 10yrs, when it died we looked at the stats and worded out that each coffee had cost us .8c.
    Hubby stopped spending $15 a day on coffee as it would take them in travel mucks, the ms june paid for its self.

  • Im 37 and have just started drinking coffee over the last year or so. So i decided to get a coffee machine. I got the nesspresso vertuo it was fantastic for a beginer very easy and does good coffee, you can also get reusable pods in different sizes. I have since moved on to a more traditional breville coffee machine which i absolutely love. I would like to upgrade again one day

  • I have one and never use it lol the coffee is nice but I hate cleaning it and hate waiting for my coffee ☕️ ????

  • I’ve had a few coffee machines but my current one is my favourite- delonghi la specialista. Really easy to use and makes such delicious coffees!

  • I love my delonghi nespresso coffee machine, with a milk frother attached. It wasn’t expensive and easy to use. Pop in a capsule, froth the milk, pour and enjoy. Most importantly, the coffee is hot!

  • Breville barista is the perfect coffee machine. You will not buy cafe coffee again. Once you find the right beans you like and perfect the way you want it you won’t look back.

  • My husband has a Brikka, a little stovetop kettle that goes on the stove and makes filtered coffee that he adds to hot milk. It is lovely and great if you are just making one or two cups and is quick and easy. I was given a Nespresso pod machine and it is even quicker. I’m not a big coffee drinker but I do love some of the flavours for variety.

  • Absolutely! Nespresso machines are great and you can use other branded pods/capsules in their machines. There’s great service on them and range in price. So great for any budget. I have saved hundreds, possibly thousands just having a coffee from home rather than buying from a coffee shop.

  • I recently purchased a Breville Bambino Plus after a couple of years of research/tossing up if i really needed one.

    I aboslutely LOVE this machine. It’s compact, stylish and has an automatic milk froth option which I find super helpful. It’s a manual machine though so you need to use ground beans.

    My advice if you’re unsure: buy a cheap machine off FB marketplace and test out how reguarly you use it. I did this, got an old Breville for $25 and it confirmed for me that I would want to use a machine. Obviously, an older cheaper model wont be as enjoyable to use as a new one, but it gave me an idea of how much time it would take to make a coffee etc. You could do the same with a pod machine, test out what works best for you.

  • We have two. First bought a coffee pod machine, had that for a few years and loved it, not just for coffee, but also hot chocolate. One day at Aldi they had a De Longhi coffee machine available, a Dedica Pump Espresso machine, bought it. And it is great, love it, used every day.

  • We have a coffee pod machine from Aldi. Works well with lots of different coffee flavours

  • Definitely go pods if you plan on convenience and a quick cupoa, but if you want the more authentic flavours to come out I would suggest using coffee bean and a fully automatic machine

  • I bought myself a cheap one on marketplace to see if I liked the idea. There is a bit of effort but the coffee is so good. I know when it dies I will replace it. However I can’t wrap my head around the price variation. I mean there are machines for $200, and I’ve seen some for over $10k! Current one is a sunbeam, seems to do the job.

  • Honestly, my mother-in-law (no cringing here) and brother-in-law banded together to buy me the De’Longhi Dedica Arte manual espresso machine, I think they just ordered it through amazon and had it sent straight through to my house. I don’t think I have had a day without fantastic coffee since. You just buy ground coffee and make it yourself, foam up your milk, and cappuccino here you are. Mmmmm Tasty Delicious as my 2 year old would say!

  • It depends on what kind you get. The kind that needs Pods can be very expensive on an ongoing basis, plus it’s environmentally bad. One that uses ground coffee/ beans is less expensive, It depends too on how much you like your coffee.

  • Goodness, this is what I was looking for. Great advice Mumma’s – I spend too much on cafe coffee although I do take my own refillable mug, a dollar off doesn’t do anything to the weekly amount *u gringe everytime my bank sends me pop showing my weekly spend on coffee *yikes. Ill have a look into Coffee press :) thank you Mumma’s for the advice and question raised.

  • I have a filter coffee machine and found them far more economical than other types of coffee machines

  • Another reason we use a coffee press is because we get fresh ground coffee in recycled bags which is a bonus for the environment.

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