
Any tips on cutting back on buying Cafe drinks whilst out and about. I have a perfectly good coffee machine here to use. I think it has just evolved into a bad habit/addiction maybe.

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  • Make yourself a Thermos of coffee at home and take it with you

  • Get into the habit of making yourself a coffee from your machine before you leave the house.

  • Just don’t do it. I take my water bottle everywhere, so water from there and coffee and home.

  • Get some cute reusable cups to make a drink before leaving the house.
    I love an iced latte, so have some great insulated plastic cups that keep ice frozen for hours. I think they are Smash brand, nothing fancy, but work a treat.

  • You won’t see it as missing out, if you give yourself a reward for saving the money instead of buying a coffee. It you buy a $5 coffee 4 times a week, that’s over $1000 a year. If you put away that money, reward yourself with someone like a night at the movies or a nice dinner out (whilst saving the vast majority of the money). That way you are saving AND being rewarded for doing so.

  • Take a water bottle with you – then you’re not likely to be thirsty. That might deter you. Or set a (tight) weekly budget.

  • Make one and drink it before you leave the house.
    Don’t bring money with you so you don’t get tempted and leave your card at home so there’s no unnecessary spending.

  • Bring a bottle of water with you everywhere if you’re thirsty just drink water

  • Set yourself a quoter and make a habit of only drinking coffee at home with good quality coffee
    When your out and about choose anything other than coffee to drink

  • Make and drink coffee before you leave home. Make your home coffee into a ritual, sitting and enjoying it in a nice part of your home, perhaps near a window. Invite friends over for coffee, instead of going to a cafe.

  • Bring a filled travel mug when you leave the house!
    Cutting back on coffees is a great way to save money.

  • I’ve been making iced chais from home instead and they taste just as good!!

  • Take a reusable cup from hone or fill a Thermos. I take a bottle of water

  • Carry a refillable bottle of water with you. Set a limit per week and only have it as a sit down coffee to enjoy. Keep track of the money you save by not having any.

  • I also use a loyalty card and then get some cups of coffee for free!

  • Love this question. Relateable.

  • I found that if I had a number of keep cups ready to go, and ones that I loved the look of and taste of when I drank from, this meant I had a coffee to go from home without time pressure to finish before I left. It made it a little bit special and kept me organised. I also had a few sitting on my desk at work so if I had one from a cafe during the day, at least i was saving a slight amount from using my own cup but also not creating waste. Getting organised was my biggest enabler to create a habit (and remember it takes time for a habit to stick!) You could also then put away the coffee money everytime you don’t buy one and soon you can treat yourself. Another great incentive!

  • I totally understand your “weakness” or should I say love for coffee ! I love to buy a coffee too when out and about. I now start to order small cups instead of extra large

  • It so tempting to buy coffee when you are out and about but I now just make sure I take a bottle of water with me

  • I go with a small cup rather than large and also drink water. It reduces the amount of purchased drinks.

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