
I feel like I need more control and be vocal and reinstate my authority over my team when I dont get the results I wanted. Im not demanding, I happen to have standards as I know and certified on how things should be done. I’m demoralised over the situation as this is the 3rd time already. I know i earned my position but some people maybe just think i don’t deserve it.

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  • I have worked in many leadership roles and my advice is not to be vocal but to build relationships with your team. Show them values of respect, honesty and reliability and they will see that you are genuine. Seek support from your senior. It sounds like you may have been promoted from within the team and that can be a tricky transition.

  • I hope things have improved for you and your team

  • This is pretty vague. But perhaps you need to be clearer, in writing for proof, or be tougher?

  • I wouldn’t know what is wrong. There are different styles and different teams.
    The seven primary leadership styles are:


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