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If you’ve never heard of ‘free bleeding’, you’re not alone. It’s a practice that’s seen a growing number of women ditching pads and tampons and retreating to their homes while on their period, to simply bleed freely.

It sounds messy (and it can be) but according to one woman, it actually makes her crave getting her period so she can go into her ‘womb cave’,

“Free bleeding is when you don’t block the flow at all, not even with the pads or the underwear,” Annette explained on her TikTok account. “So I try to free bleed, which means I stay at home when I’m on my period and I intentionally don’t go out to the store, don’t go out to restaurants, I stay home and bleed because that’s what my body is doing, I honour that.

“If I’m at home and I’m on my period then I just lay in bed with a towel or on my couch with a towel. I actually really love the feeling of cramps and like the contractions of birthing the uterine lining. The whole point of free bleeding is just to tune into what your body is actually doing and honour that process. This makes my periods orgasmic.”

Of course, her free bleeding revelations prompted a huge number of questions from women, who can’t quite grasp the idea.

“I respect your choice but this just does not seem practical and I very much doubt you enjoy the pain of it all,” said Becky Doberstein.

“Pads don’t block the flow though. It’s basically putting a towel in your underwear to absorb the blood,” another woman commented.

“How??? Don’t you have places to be? Do you just bleed everywhere? I’m so confused,” asked Chloe.

How does free bleeding work?

Free bleeding

Annette explained that she does work from home, and if she has to go out, she plans her trips.

“If I do have to go out then I will use the absorbable underwear. Hell no am I ever gonna stick something inside of me while I’m bleeding.

“The first thing that I do is assess the situation. One thing that I love about free bleeding is you get to start tuning into the pulses of cramps that your body has and how your cramps align to the dropping of the blood. One thing that almost every woman has reported about free bleeding is that her flow gets so much lighter when her yoni is less irritated from using period products.”

She says when people focus on the bleeding aspect of free bleeding, they’re missing the whole point of the practice.

“It’s not about the blood. It’s just not about what you do with your blood either, if you let it drip down your legs or if you catch it in a pad. It’s not the point. The point is about listening to the cycles of your body.”

While many of us have never heard of free bleeding, it’s actually been around for centuries, according to Healthline. Of course, things like tampons and pads weren’t around back in the day – so women used rags or made tampons from sponges. And there are cultures who have practiced different approaches to period – like menstruation huts in Bali and South India.

If you’re not quite ready to ditch the pads – make sure you check out this simple heavy flow period tip.

Would you try, or do you already practice free bleeding? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. 

  • So this would never have worked for me for many reasons. My bleeding was always so heavy – I actually thought it was normal until I realised it wasn’t. My cramps were so debilitating that I often had to have time off school/work etc. How do you manage this as a student? How do you manage this as an employee? How does this work, really?


  • To each their own but no thanks, I can’t see the difference between “free bleeding” on to a towel and bleeding on to a pad, except that there is extra cleaning involved with the towel option.


  • Such a shame so many women are quick to judge or criticise this woman. On my light days I have taken the free bleeding approach from time to time, but my preferred option is ModiBodi underwear as my lifestyle doesn’t allow for me to be housebound. The more research we independently do about how harmful so many sanitary products can be for us, the more we make healthier decisions for ourselves and our reproductive health. Seeing a woman so empowered and making a decision to be so nurturing during this time is something we should celebrate, regardless of if we would take that same approach or not.


  • Not for me!


  • I never tried it and doesn’t appeal to me. I’m not sure how pads or period briefs block the flow, in my opinion they catch the flow and prevent that clothing and furniture becomes blood stained


  • Do we really need to hear this? To each their own.


  • It’s not for me. Id feel so ick and dirty. Her choice her life.


  • Not the methods I take but good on her. I much prefer using fem hygiene products


  • No, Not for me. I’ll pass thanks.


  • Yeah no, I don’t think that’s for me


  • As someone who has irregular periods and can literally haemorrhage for MONTHS at a time this is never going to work for me! I will continue to use pads until I’m sure that the period underwear can stand up to my excessive flow!


  • Ahh no thanks!!! And don’t you have responsibilities?! We aren’t in lockdown any longer!!


  • Yeah nah that’s a pass for me! Plus I have so much to do that a week at home every month isn’t practical


  • Ridiculous article …agree with all the other sane mum members.


  • To start with, whats a Yoni?? Can’t you just say what you mean?

    Secondly, whats the difference between bleeding into a towel and using a reusable pad? I don’t like tampons either, and i can’t use a lot of mainstream comerical pads as the chemicals make me itch. But i sure as hell haven’t got the time (or the privacy) to lay around with a towel, my 2 toddlers just wouldn’t allow me to lay around for a week (or often longer).

    Each to their own, but unless you have a full time nanny or a husband that does everything, i can’t see how this would work for most mums.


  • I will stick to my Modibodi undies 🙂


  • Hmm that’s not for me, I an perfectly happy using sanitary products and going out.


  • I think this is going back into the dark ages before feminine hygiene products existed. Each to their own, but no thanks!


  • Most of us have jobs and things to do – errands to run, kids to care for, chores, and responsibilities. Bleeding into a pad that is stuck in your period underwear is still free bleeding. Feeling cramps, which for some people are so bad, they can lead to vomiting and fainting, is not a pleasurable experience, and saying she enjoys her cramps is just stupid. If you listen to her talk, you can tell she’s a bloody new-age fairy – a sandwich short of a picnic, imho. I can’t stand these types – talking absolute rubbish without even minimal knowledge of science or medicine… Spewing idiotic ideas that will confuse and mislead people. I can bet my life this fairy nugget is an anti-vaxxer – she won’t stick anything in her YONI (???) when on her periods, so vaccines would probably be like poison in her opinion… And shame on you, MOM, for giving publicity and voice to morons like her…
    There is NOTHING wrong with pads or tampons.
    There is NOTHING wrong with not wanting blood all over your homewares and furniture.
    There is NOTHING wrong with taking pain medication when cramping.
    There is NOTHING wrong with the way we have all been dealing with periods – this is what we need and want, and what makes our discomfort bearable.


  • I find this quite impractical really. For a start what’s the difference in having a pad or a towel or cloth between your legs and what about women that actually flood with their periods? This business of enjoying your cramps is way over the top! I used to get absolutely dreadful cramps and there’s no way I would say I enjoy it. But to each his own. It must be nice to be able to spend days at home in bed! I don’t know many Mum’s that have that luxury.


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