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If you’ve never heard of ‘free bleeding’, you’re not alone. It’s a practice that’s seen a growing number of women ditching pads and tampons and retreating to their homes while on their period, to simply bleed freely.

It sounds messy (and it can be) but according to one woman, it actually makes her crave getting her period so she can go into her ‘womb cave’,

“Free bleeding is when you don’t block the flow at all, not even with the pads or the underwear,” Annette explained on her TikTok account. “So I try to free bleed, which means I stay at home when I’m on my period and I intentionally don’t go out to the store, don’t go out to restaurants, I stay home and bleed because that’s what my body is doing, I honour that.

“If I’m at home and I’m on my period then I just lay in bed with a towel or on my couch with a towel. I actually really love the feeling of cramps and like the contractions of birthing the uterine lining. The whole point of free bleeding is just to tune into what your body is actually doing and honour that process. This makes my periods orgasmic.”

Of course, her free bleeding revelations prompted a huge number of questions from women, who can’t quite grasp the idea.

“I respect your choice but this just does not seem practical and I very much doubt you enjoy the pain of it all,” said Becky Doberstein.

“Pads don’t block the flow though. It’s basically putting a towel in your underwear to absorb the blood,” another woman commented.

“How??? Don’t you have places to be? Do you just bleed everywhere? I’m so confused,” asked Chloe.

How does free bleeding work?

Free bleeding

Annette explained that she does work from home, and if she has to go out, she plans her trips.

“If I do have to go out then I will use the absorbable underwear. Hell no am I ever gonna stick something inside of me while I’m bleeding.

“The first thing that I do is assess the situation. One thing that I love about free bleeding is you get to start tuning into the pulses of cramps that your body has and how your cramps align to the dropping of the blood. One thing that almost every woman has reported about free bleeding is that her flow gets so much lighter when her yoni is less irritated from using period products.”

She says when people focus on the bleeding aspect of free bleeding, they’re missing the whole point of the practice.

“It’s not about the blood. It’s just not about what you do with your blood either, if you let it drip down your legs or if you catch it in a pad. It’s not the point. The point is about listening to the cycles of your body.”

While many of us have never heard of free bleeding, it’s actually been around for centuries, according to Healthline. Of course, things like tampons and pads weren’t around back in the day – so women used rags or made tampons from sponges. And there are cultures who have practiced different approaches to period – like menstruation huts in Bali and South India.

If you’re not quite ready to ditch the pads – make sure you check out this simple heavy flow period tip.

Would you try, or do you already practice free bleeding? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. 

  • Free bleeding is definitely not for me. If that’s what she prefers and that’s what works for her is fine.


  • No thank you. Not for me.


  • Definately it’s a no from me


  • I don’t get it seems like she just wants to be controversial or just needs attention because you would just keep that to yourself.


  • Wow. Interesting read


  • Don’t really understand this. What happens if you need to go to work?! I doubt employers would see free bleeding as an excuse to stay home a week at a time each month.
    Plus, it doesn’t seem very sanitary – do you wash all those towels with other laundry or do you wash them on their own in which case is such a waste of water and electricity!!!
    Honestly, what will people think of next. And agree with the comment below about pads not “blocking” your flow!


  • I could understand not wanting to use tampons, but there are so many other options… using nothing sounds messy and unhygenic.


  • Each to their own I guess but I personally couldn’t do it. I’m all for being in tune with your body but for me it’s totally impractical. I have things to do and can’t lie down for a week ( actually my kids probably wouldn’t let me lie die for 10 minutes when they’re awake lol) . I also don’t think I could ever “enjoy” cramps… but ok…


  • What about period undies though? Wouldn’t that technically count as free bleeding still?


  • I can understand that some women don’t like using tampons but what’s the difference between bleeding onto a towel or bleeding onto a pad? An excuse to laze around on your bed all day maybe?


  • Interesting i mean if you don’t have to go out anywhere and can actually have your own privacy at home to do that, great. I don’t have the privacy to do this and also work. I need to use tampons for work. I hate the idea of putting something in my body but i use organic cotton tampons to make it safer and more breathable. I also use organic cotton pads or liners. Chemicals in womens menstrual products can cause lots of issues. They are more expensive however they regularly go on sale for 30-50% off at Coles so stock up whenever there is a sale and they will actually cost the same amount as non organic products or cheaper.


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