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A DAD mourning the death of his newborn baby discovered the child hadn’t even existed after digging up the coffin and finding a plastic doll inside.

Rosa Castellanos Diaz reportedly spent nine months pretending to be pregnant with twins, then fooled her family into believing she had given birth before feigning the death of one in a bizarre attempt to keep her wayward partner by her side, according to The Sun reports.

After only “giving birth” to one child, according to reports, she staged the “twin” baby’s funeral at her local graveyard in El Coyolar, Honduras, where distraught family and friends took turns to carry the coffin and said an emotional farewell.

But the next day friends of the child’s father, Melvin Mendoza, reportedly began to doubt Ms Diaz’s story and decided to dig up the coffin — and found a plastic doll dressed up as a baby inside.

Ms Diaz reportedly convinced friends and relatives that she was pregnant and kept up the charade for the whole nine months, even announcing she was expecting twins after an ultrasound scan.

Mr Mendoza’s friends, fearing that Ms Diaz had invented the story to convince him not to leave her, decided to exhume the coffin to find out the truth.

One, Ismael Mejia, told Honduras’ El Heraldo newspaper: “The whole thing didn’t seem right. So in the night we went to the cemetery to dig it up. When we pulled out the box, to our surprise what we found inside was a doll, dressed up as if it were a child.

“We took the coffin to the police so they could see that we didn’t take the child out of the box and replace it with a doll.”

After discovering the cruel trick, Mr Mendoza decided not to press charges against Ms Diaz, according to reports.

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  • Well thats someones word that should never be trusted again.


  • This is such a terrible story. People can be so dispicable to each other. A dead child is nothing to fool people about


  • Pity the guy hadn’t called the Police to report his suspicions first. Only saying one of the babies died and nobody seeing the other one would ring alarm bells for me immediately. I wonder whether she named a hospital the baby/babies were supposed to be born at.


  • I can’t believe that she would do this. It’s abhorrent to think she could be so cruel. I hope he ended up leaving her because of this cruel act


  • I cannot believe this. Clearly some serious mental health issues at play here. That poor man. The real trauma and emotion that he has experienced, will never go away.


  • That’s shocking! What a horrible thing to do to your family!


  • This is sad and bizarre. I feel bad for the man that was tricked into believing he was a father but I would’ve asked the police for an exhumation instead.


  • This is such a cruel thing to do to someone.


  • This happened to my husband’s uncle very similar.
    His partner told him that she fell pregnant with twins a boy and a girl and for 9 months he believed he was going to be a dad. She even printed of ultrasounds pictures and cut off the names and dates up the top and gave them to him.
    They got everything they needed for twins, cots, prams, clothes, changing tables, toys, nappies etc. She even had a date that she was going to have a C-section at 38 weeks. But when it got to 38 weeks apparently they cancelled it and she was going to deliver naturally.
    And then a couple of weeks later when he was in town doing groceries and then went home she was “crying” saying we lost the babies. She said they were only about 400g each and very small and they died. She’d wrap them up and put them into a shoe box and buried them in the backyard.
    My hubby’s uncle rang us straight away telling us what had happened and we told him being full-term the babies wouldn’t be that small (we know as we lost our daughter) and you don’t just burry the babies you go to the hospital as it needs to be documented. So when she was away, he dug up the shoe box only to find toilet paper and rocks.
    She staged the whole pregnancy so he wouldn’t leave her, and when he confronted her she said stop being stupid, they didn’t exist so stop crying.
    It was very hard for him because he was told he couldn’t have kids to finding out his partner was having twins to loosing his twins and finding out that they never existed.
    I really don’t understand why people do this. It’s distressing for the people involved.


  • So strange.. why would anyone do that


  • A very strange story, l feel for the man!


  • Not sure I understand this story -did she actuality give birth to a child, or claimed she’d lost one or both? … whatever, a very sick lady to do this to her partner and family!


  • It’s a bit confusing…..so she actually has one baby, for real? So why did she think twins would keep the man by her side? Isn’t one baby enough? Strange sad lady to go to such extreme measures to keep a man


  • What a sad act ! And all this in a bizarre attempt to keep her wayward partner by her side ? She must be glad Mr Mendoza decided not to press charges against her ! It would be good when she takes her feelings serious and seeks help to find a healthier way to express them.


  • Think this woman needs to be under a psychiatrist’s care for a very long time.


  • Everything about this is weird. Horrifying.


  • Incredible! Well, I am glad the man found out the truth. And I hope he will move very far away from this very disturbed woman!!


  • Wow, this is so cruel to do to the family.


  • That’s insane! What a cruel and callous thing to do. I can’t believe she actually kept up the whole charade for 9 months


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