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A nursing bra that can be buried in the soil after it’s no longer needed, rather than ending up in landfill sounds like a pipe dream – but it’s actually closer than you think.

Australian company The Very Good Bra has developed the world’s first 100% compostable, plastic-free nursing bra – and now you can help make it a reality!

The history-making nursing bra is designed not only to be comfy for mums and help them avoid dangerous toxins while breastfeeding, but it’s also an environmental win.

Created by The Very Good Bra founder and CEO Stephanie Devine, her unique nursing bra is the culmination of years of research, and is the world’s ‘most important bra innovation … ever’.

“We have to stop wearing plastic bras. We just have to stop,” Stephanie said.

“The natural materials we have used to create the bra are 100 per cent compostable, meaning it has no negative environmental footprint through all parts of the lifecycle including end of its life, unlike most nursing bras, which include synthetic fibres.”

“Our research indicates the average woman goes through three bras during nursing and they will all end up in landfill, as even those made with ’natural fibres’ like cotton and bamboo contain spandex, polyester and nylon – all plastics – whereas ours use none.”

The Very Good Bra makes underwear that only uses botanically sourced materials including cotton, natural rubber and cellulose sewing thread. No toxins are created during manufacturing and processing, and the garments don’t shed microplastics. And once they’ve finished their useful life, the underwear can be composted, worm-farmed, or buried in the soil.

The Very Good Bra nursing bra

As well as being enviro and mum-friendly, the nursing bra is also a darn good bra! There are no tricky clasps, just easy pull-down cups, with a cross-over front fastener. They’re supportive and adjustable made from 100% organic cotton which is undyed and unbleached, grown in Turkey, processed and knitted in Spain.

So how can you help make history and get The Very Good Bra nursing bra into production? At the moment the nursing bra is part of a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. With just a couple of weeks to go, backers are still needed to get the project over the line.

You can make a pledge of any amount, but the more you pledge, the greater your rewards! We’d love Mouths of Mums members to help Stephanie get these nursing bras into production, so head to Kickstarter if you’d like to make a pledge!

  • Plastic bras? I had no idea that your every day bra was plastic. I must admit that I am very confused by this as on the list of materials used to make my bras there is cer6tainly no listing for any type of plasric. Cotton with metal clasps and under wire


  • This is so clever 🙂


  • Great idea just needs to use Aussie cotton as well to complete everything


  • Amzing, i love it!


  • Great idea indeed. Needs to use aussie cotton tho I think


  • What a pity this Australian company isn’t using Australian cotton in the concept. Australian cotton is so much softer and feels so great against the skin. Spain could still be the maker if need be to get world wide recognition, but Australian cotton is really the best.


  • I would have loved this bra when I was pregnant. Hopefully she gets the money to get this fantastic idea off the table and into production asap


  • This looks like it’s really comfortable… I would have appreciated it while nursing.


  • This actually looks like a really comfy bra and a good initiative.


  • Great idea ! Would be good for all clothing items


  • It sounds like a great idea.


  • It’s actually a really nice looking bra. Not one that I need, but great to see innovation.

    • It certainly is a nice looking bra! A bra that looks good is so important for me.


  • I wonder how many people would actually bury it though?


  • A great idea, I am past that journey now, but I will pass onto others who might be keen to get in on the campaign.


  • What a great idea. This need to be done with all bras and underwear


  • Good luck with the idea.


  • I do love initiatives and new products like this one, thanks for the awareness.


  • I like the idea behind it and hope they make it!


  • Such a great idea! And interesting to read women go through an average of 3 nursing bras. It’s kind of true for me at the moment.


  • That’s great Pele are coming up with all of these different ideas to help save the environment.
    I donated my bras to Vinnies.


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