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There’s nothing worse than a gassy baby who can’t seem to get any relief – but this windy baby tip from an osteopath could just be the holy grail!

Shared by baby expert Danielle who’s known as The Enchanted Nanny, the technique is famed to work on babies who are desperate to let out a few farts.

Danielle shared a clip of an osteopath practicing the technique on a baby, saying it’s the reason why she always recommends that newborn’s visit an osteopath.

In the video, Lucy the osteopath from The Practice Osteopaths in Dorset, shows the simple technique, and explains why it works.

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“You see a lot of people polishing their baby’s tummy like that, which does absolutely nothing,” Lucy explains. “You actually want to create a bit of movement. So by holding a nice, wide grip and you’re always going clockwise as you’re looking at them and you just let them move with you.

“You’re creating movement. And if tummies don’t have movement then the milk gets a chance to sit and can move too slowly through there and then it can ferment and produce wind in their tummies that is painful. So anything you can do to help move the milk round is going to help.”

If you see adults, when you’re hospitalised and you’re not moving for whatever reason, one of the first things that happens is you get constipated. So by pushing up under here we’re trying to create length. Now a lot of people will talk about the bicycle legs and to bring the legs up. But actually if they’re in discomfort that can be helpful. But in the in between times you want to get as much space in the tummy as possible, because space gives everything a chance to move around.

“So if you’re lifting up here it’s just like a figure of eight – you’re stretching that side, you’re stretching that side.” And to prove that it works, the tiny baby in the video lets out plenty of rippers!

“You can smell the effects already!” Lucy exclaims.

Lucy recommends doing the moves when you’re doing nappy changes, when baby is nice and comfortable.

And she’s also shared another video of a technique that’s designed to help colicky babies:  

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♬ original sound – The Enchanted Nanny

What techniques do you swear by to help a windy baby? Let us know in the comments below. 

  • This certainly makes sense.
    My eldest was a nightmare with wind and we tried everything including taking her to a chiropractor on the insistance of my Grandmother who very kindly paid for each session. I felt that it didnt help at all but still we went because of Grans insistance


  • Belly massages were certainly helpful and laying on their tummies


  • I remember the bike kicks


  • I got confused at the point she said do it when baby is comfortable during nappy changes… at what stage do they LIKE nappy changes??!!!


  • All my bubs loved laying on their tummies on my arm or we did the bicycle a lot too…


  • I never found an ideal technique… I don’t think it’s one strategy fits all babies.


  • We use the bicycle kicks this always works for us


  • These type of techniques are also helpful for constipation


  • Always used the bicycle legs technique with oil rubbed on the tummy. This technique is so good to know.


  • My second one – knowing the right techniques was amazing. We did bicycle legs and it worked every time


  • Thankfully my bubs didn’t have big wind issues but occasionally when they did I did do alot of back stroking and patting but didn’t try doing anything to their tummy.


  • Great article, thanks so much!


  • I always used the ‘I Love U’ technique


  • Very informative indeed.


  • I was very lucky with my 2 boys as they were never colicky or in pain with gas. These tips though will help a lot of new mothers who’s babies do suffer with gas. Such a better solution than giving them medication to ease the trouble. Leave medication solutions for adults to use.

    • We were very fortunate too and no issues.
      Do feel for parents that experience problems in this area.


  • Anything is worth a try


  • Fortunate to no experience many issues with windy babies.


  • It all seems a bit too logical when you watch that. 30 years a go I went to a Tressilian type place to get help with my son and it included massages for wind. It worked.


  • I was thought to start with moving the legs by bending them up towards the belly then back down.


  • I learned a few massage techniques in the mum class I did after my first bub.


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