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Nameberry have crunched the numbers to see what names are popular for 2016.

Nameberry have found that unisex names like Riley and Rowan are popular with girls, and similarly swappable names like Logan and Charlie are popular for boys.

For girls, Astrid has been popular in Sweden for years and is now spiking in the U.S. with a 101 per cent rise in popularity online. And for boys, parents are going the traditional route and considering James, which is up by 72 per cent. See the full list at Nameberry.


1. Astrid

2. Thea

3. Sadie

4. Riley

5. Elise

6. Avery

7. Rowan

8. Elsie

9. Finley

10. Jade


1. James

2. Elijah

3. Jayden

4. Elliot

5. Logan

6. Charlie

7. Jude

8. Elias

9. Isaiah

10. Arlo

What is your favourite name of 2016?

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  • None of those names are on my list for my little boy due later this year but there’s some nice ones there.


  • I like Astrid and Jayden but I really love Carl for a boy and Matilda for a girl.


  • Out of these Arlo is a favourite of mine. Gaining in popularity


  • Seems like the trend is going back to more traditional names


  • I like the name James – classic.


  • I haven’t heard of Finley for a girl but I knew it (and Finn) was becoming more popular for boys. I don’t mind Riley for a girl. The boys names aren’t all that new except for maybe Arlo.


  • None of those names really stuck out to me. We chose Mason Michael for our little one who is due in may 🙂 I also love my grandfather’s name, which is Italian, Salvatore. One of my favs! My two daughters are Gianna Lynn and Audrey Elle, if we were going to have a girl we loved Ava


  • Wow, there’s quite a few new and/or revisited names on this list. I once knew a girl named Astrid. Only one in my lifetime! From this list, I like Avery for a girl and I think Logan for a boy.

    • Wow, only one time heard of a girl named Astrid ?! That amazes me, It’s a very common name in Europe.


  • There are some nice names on the lists but nothing there that really grabs me.
    I would choose different names.
    I guess we will have to wait until the end of the year to see if these names really are the names for 2016


  • Amazing – my now 52 year old son has his name in the list for 2016. Seems what goes around comes around.


  • They are worst names I have heard for babies. The only one I would consider for a boy is James.


  • My kids name must not be hot 🙂


  • My favourite girls names for 2016 are Mia and Ava! I’m a little bit swayed because they are my newest granddaughters names!


  • I like Jayden and Elise


  • I really like the name Charlie for a boy or a girl


  • I like Elise for a girl… my husband and I are having a girl in April. We have a name picked for her already, it is very unique so I don’t want to share it until after she is born.


  • Oh I love some of these names. It’s always interesting to see how popular names change with time. Love the unisex names too.


  • I like the boys names, never heard of Rowan being used for a girl! Very interesting.


  • I like Jayden and Logan!!


  • Love them all !!!! Especially the ‘old fashioned’ ones!!!!


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