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As a Mum, finding a way to look after myself has been really important! Here’s a bit of an insight into how Bikram yoga has changed my life…

Each time I enter the hot room I am excited by the prospect of my mind being able to rest.

Like most of us, my life outside of the room can easily be taken over with planning, doing, organising, running, and generally juggling a few balls in the air at any one time.

When I practice Bikram I cannot possibly be doing shopping lists in my head or menu planning for the kids or I will simply die in there!

“My mind is strong and clever, but in order to listen to my body I need it to be quiet sometimes”

When I first started practicing my relationship to Bikram was quite externally focused. I looked around the room, compared myself to others and did anything I could to distract myself from the fact that it was so bloody hot.

I remember the teachers saying it was about the ‘breath’ and I would think to myself as if, I can’t possibly breath in here.

But over time I quickly learnt that the more that I could come back to my breath and each moment, the more my body would surprise me with what it was capable of.

One of my teachers often says “isn’t it interesting that it is your body that is doing all the work and it is your mind telling you that you can’t do it”… Yes it is!

Bikram yoga has given me permission to get out of my head and into my body.

My relationship to Bikram now is an internally focussed one. I thank myself each time I practice for valuing myself enough to take 90 minutes out of my day just for me.

Practising in front of a mirror has also totally changed my perception of my body and allowed me to start loving and accepting all of my curves and edges.

“I am blown away with my bodies strength and stamina, and choose to focus now on what it can do rather than what it can’t”.

So as I continue to show up and I breathe through each posture, my body remembers how good it feels to be in each moment and then let it go and move onto the next one.

My intention is to keep practicing what I learn in the room, outside of the room in my daily life. To notice distractions and what I can so easily do to avoid being in the moment.

Because the truth is when I am in my body and each moment, I flow and my body knows exactly what to do!

“My life outside the room has changed because of the magic that happens in the room”.

My favourite studio is Bikram Yoga Northern Beaches in Warriewood.

Martin, Katie and the Team make you feel welcome from the moment you step in the door and the layout and design of the studio, as well as the experience of the teachers contributes to the overall positive vibe they have created.

By tuning in I have been able to tune up my body with increased flexibility, strength and stamina.

It has given me access to internal resources that I never even knew I had and provides a constant reminder for me about how good it feels to come back to my breath and into my body.

Creating this level of stillness in my mind serves my beautifully on my journey though motherhood and I would encourage all of you to give it a try.

  • I’ve never attempted Bikram yoga. I do normal yoga on a regular basis though, for my arthritis, the Dr suggested it would help


  • I have never heard of this yoga before but I have heard yoga is relaxing


  • Thanks for sharing this article; interesting.


  • Thanks for sharing i have not known much about bikram yoga but will definitely have to give it a go 🙂


  • I’ve often thought about giving this a go…just not got up the courage yet!

    • Ohhh if you have thought about it I encourage you to give it a go! Good luck x


  • I love yoga so much too! I cant go a day without it

    • Awesome! I would love to be able to do it every day x


  • I’m hopeless at yoga, have no idea how to empty my mind.

    • I was the same but you cannot survive the hot room unless you empty your mind! It’s so worth it x


  • I saw a studio near my place but never knew what it involved and how it was different from yoga and now I know the difference so thanks.

    • No worries, I had no idea before I tried but knew people got hooked so thought there must be something in it!


  • thanks for sharing


  • Bikram is great!!! Feel amazing afterwards


  • I would love to try yoga. Some of the types in heated rooms are allegedly good for arthritis – which I have.

    • Yes I have heard that too. I encourage you to give it a try x


  • I have been doing yoga now for almost a year, I love it,. it is so relaxing, a bit hard when I first started but now WOW, I have dropped a dress size, I am more toned up, I am more relaxed and I find the excercises a breeze now… I recommend it to every one I no

    • I’m the same, can’t recommend it enough! I’m so thrilled about the benefits that you are experiencing, from one Mum to another, keep it up 🙂


  • I used to do Yoga but now find it a little hard to do as I have trouble with my knees and trying to get up of the floor is near impossible lol

    • Knee trouble is very common in the room, I assure you! I hope that you find something that works for you with your injury x


  • this sounds very interesting to do

    • Yes it is an interesting experience that is different every time!


  • Wow that sounds like a very empowering experience. Thank you for a lovely read

    • I’m glad you enjoyed reading it and you are spot on, it is a very empowering experience!


  • I think I should try this out, sounds very interesting

    • Yes! Give it a go and don’t be put off by the first class, it’s a killer, but sooooo worth it xox


  • First person I’ve heard that has something positive to say about Bikram Yoga! Really.


  • A couple of friends do this and love it!


  • Thanks for sharing. I’ve not heard much about Bikram Yoga before.

    • Thanks for reading 😉 I wanted to share with other Mums because I think the mind benefits are so worthwhile when most of us are so busy!


  • No worries 😉


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