We all want our kids to be the best that they can be and I do believe that as parents, it’s our duty to do everything we can for our children to reach their potential.
We’ve put together a list of practical things you can do to give your kids a boost in life.
Boost Their Brains With Fish Oil
I’ve always been a big believer in fish oil, which contains two vital omega-3 fatty acids – docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Our bodies can not produce these fatty acids so it’s important that we get these from the food we eat or from quality supplements to meet our daily needs. DHA is vital for a child’s developing brain to support memory, learning, concentration and behaviour.
We’ve tried out a number of supplements and we love Kids Smart DHA Drops the best. These are so easy to administer with the dosage dropper and can be dispensed directly into the mouth, or mixed with milk, food, or juice. Most kids do not eat enough Omega-3 rich food so daily supplementation with Kids Smart DHA drops is an ideal way to help support your child’s healthy brain and cognitive function, eye health, and nervous system development.
A child’s brain can more than triple in size from newborn to toddler. Omega-3 DHA is important during this life stage as it plays an essential role in the development of a baby’s brain, nervous system and vision in infancy and throughout childhood.
We love that Kids Smart DHA Drops are free from colours, flavours, preservatives and sweeteners and that it’s mild in taste so our kids are always happy to take the drops.
Brain Boosting Foods
There are certain “brain foods” that may help boost a child’s brain development— plus supports brain functioning, cognitive skills, memory, and concentration.
Eggs are rich in protein, zinc, vitamin A (for good vision), vitamin D (for bone growth), vitamin E (anti-oxidant actions and cell protection from free radical damage) and B12 (essential for the formation of red blood cells). Egg yolks are also packed with choline, which helps in memory development.
Bananas are a brilliant energy-boosting carbohydrate. Eating a banana as a snack will help your child sustain their energy levels and concentration throughout the day.
Oily fish like salmon, tuna, kippers and sardines are all rich in fish oils, which contains those vital omega-3 fatty acids, which help in healthy brain development.
Whole grains such as bread and cereals provide glucose, an energy source the brain needs. It has a low glycemic index, meaning that glucose is slowly released into the bloodstream, keeping your child alert and sustained for longer.
Vegetables with a rich, deep color are the best sources of antioxidants that keep brain cells healthy. These include tomatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots and spinach. Kale is a superfood, full of antioxidants that help new brain cells grow.
Berries are also antioxidants rich and full of Vitamin C, which improves immune function. Strawberries, cherries, blueberries, and blackberries are all fantastic brain boosting fruits.
Nuts and seeds are full of protein and essential fatty acids for optimal brain development. They also contain vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects nerve membranes, thiamin, which is good for the brain, and glucose which gives an energy boost.
Talk Talk Talk
One of the great ways to boost your baby’s brain is to talk to them as much as possible. The more words your child hears, the better their vocabulary will be. Always respond to your baby’s sounds with positive words and don’t be shy to just chat, chat, chat even if you think they don’t understand.
Read Together
Encourage a joy of reading and books from the newborn stage and read to your child whenever you can. Reading forms an emotional bond between you and your baby and it helps them learn too. Babies love looking at pictures and get a thrill from turning the pages. Kids also love repetition so read books repeatedly so they can become familiar. This also helps to sharpen your child’s memory.
Alone Time
It’s very easy for a young baby to become over-stimulated and once that happens, all they want to do is retreat from the overwhelming situation. Kids don’t need entertainment every second of the day. It’s really good for them to have some alone time so that they can learn to discover their toys, move around and amuse themselves.
Get Tactile
Babies love playing games with hands – such as patty-cake, round the garden and this little piggy. This is a great way to teach your baby simple sequential games.
Stimulate your child with new experiences. This includes giving her new materials and fabrics to feel and play with. Make a sensory box filled with different objects and materials and let them explore how each one feels. Talk to your child as they discover the object and describe it as they play with it.
What are your brain boosting tips? Share them in the comments below.
This article was commissioned by the team at Nature’s Way Kids Smart. The MoM editorial team compiled this article after using the Nature’s Way Kids Smart products and realising that these products help in the health and wellbeing of development of our children.
Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your healthcare professional. Exclusive breastfeeding is normally recommended up to 6 months old.
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