If you are a parent concerned about the wellbeing of your child – their brain power, concentration, energy, emotions, and healthy bodies then it makes sense to be concerned about their nourishment.
Did you know that…
- 1 out of 5 teenagers are likely to experience a diagnosable depressive episode.
- 1 in 10 kids is diagnosed with ADHD, which makes concentration very difficult for them.
- 1 in 3 kids has hormonal skin and cycles which affects their happiness.
- 1 in 3 kids has allergies related to food, which affects their mood and sleep
- 1 in 4 kids in Australia has more body fat than they require, which zaps their energy.
- Every kid would like to feel good about themselves and get rid of those ‘self esteem bombs’ that rob them of their energy, brain power and feel-good hormones.
The good news is that food – quality nourishment – can dramatically improve all of these issues our children are facing.
There are four key foundations for nourishment in my own home and the homes of our healthy clients:
- Real food;
- Some grains;
- Fat eaters, and;
- Veggie munchers.
Real food
It is really quite simple, each week start ‘crowding in’ so much good, real food that your family doesn’t realise that the packaged cereals, processed muesli bars, and high sugar lollies are missing. How to tell real food? A quick easy way is that it often doesn’t have a label – like a banana, apples, nuts or meats.
Some grains
There is a bit of grain discrimination going on in the world.
One of the issues with grain is that is often highly processed – like wheat. Even when bread is whole grain, we don’t get the same nutrient density from this carbohydrate as other foods and because it has been heavily processed it may cause reactions in our bodies that our grandparents never saw when they ate bread. Our preferred carbohydrate sources are vegetables, legumes and gluten-free grains like basmati or brown rice, quinoa, millet, and buckwheat.
Fat eaters
Fat feeds our brain, balances hormones, keeps us warm and provides us with a feeling of fullness.
Enjoy ‘good fats’ like olive oil, walnut oil, chia, linseeds, salmon, trout, olives, (other) seeds and nuts but enjoy the other fats too. Butter, nut butters, coconut oil, coconut milk, cheese, and a modest amount of saturated fat has been found ‘not guilty’. If you are still a non-believer and need to see the evidence try searching online for ‘The role of reducing intakes of saturated fat in the prevention of cardiovascular disease: where does the evidence stand in 2010?” in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Veggie munchers
Eat raw, dip in hummus, wrap in tortilla. Stir fry, bake, steam, BBQ. It doesn’t really matter how you enjoy veggies just eat them. They are full of fibre, vitamins, nutrients, enzymes and nourishment. Who needs buckets of pills when you are consuming highly antioxidant, naturally low sugar vegetables.
Food is meant to be enjoyed.
Bring back the love of food. Bring back the family meal. It doesn’t need to be extreme; it needs to be easy and tasty. When a child is truly nourished, their food stabilises their mood, hormones, emotions and creates lean, healthy immune systems and bodies.
For more information visit www.myfamilywellness.com.au Low Sugar Lifestyle program Oct 2014
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