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Crystal growing is a fantastic Science activity that you can do at home with the kids. Watch the kids be amazed at the crystals they grow.

Crystal growing

Pinterest crystal

What you’ll need:

  • powdered borax
  • pipe cleaners
  • sewing thread
  • food colouring
  • skewer
  • heat proof container
  • measuring spoon
  • water


  1. Use 2-3 pipe cleaners to form a shape.
  2. Tie a piece of thread to the pipe cleaners, long enough for the pipe cleaners to be submerged but not touch the sides or bottom off your container.
  3. Place 3 cups of boiling water in your container, stir in 9 tablespoons of borax and a few drops of food colouring.
  4. Hang your pipe cleaners on the thread from your skewer so that it is fully submerged.
  5. Cover the top of your container in a tea towel or foil and leave overnight.
  6. Using your skewer, pull up your pipe cleaner and discover the magical crystal you have grown.

My kids love Science experiments and I am always on the look out for easy ones we can do at home.

Have you ever grown your own crystals?

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Image credit: Pinterest

  • It’s a very nice activity indeed. My daughter did it once, during her birthday party, that had a scientific theme.


  • Oh what a fantastic activity! Thank you.


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