So it’s that time again. You know, the time when everyone gets their 2018 resolutions out and has a look how far they have come to achieving their New Year’s resolutions.
Chances are that perhaps the notebook/pad that you wrote your New Year’s resolutions has probably gathered enough dust that it has become more of an archaelogical find.
You discover that the list didn’t get much further than being a list! And the same resolutions appear year after year … after year!
Let’s go through it step-by-step, using the 2nd goal from the above image as an example:”2. Get Fit”
1. Get clear about what you want – be specific.
The problem with just saying “Get Fit” is not really that enthralling. In fact, if you just look at it day after day, your mind is going to be thinking “This is boring. Let’s do it tomorrow”.
Being specific and actually writing down what you want to experience is more beneficial to your mind’s eye. If you can attach a photo or image or picture next to it, it makes it even more real.
What I discovered ages ago is that the mind really is everything. It is what makes or breaks you. It is what gets you to the gym on the coldest/hottest day or gets you to the local fast food joint instead.
By making your goal more specific, you are actually doing the first step to attaining that resolution. It is already real because you can feel it/see it/experience it.
So lets say that instead of saying “Get Fit”, you say instead “By the end of 2016, I will fit into my size X or XX summer dress” and put a picture of THAT dress next to your written resolution.
2. Set a plan of attack – be as detailed as possible.
This is so important. To add more “fire” to the new goal “By the end of 2016, I will fit into my size X or XX summer dress” you need to have steps to get towards that goal.
So, what I tell my clients is to look at it in the form of steps:
- What is their 12 month goal?
- What is their 6 month goal?
- What is their 3 month goal?
- What is their 4 week goal?
- What is their 1 week goal?
- What can they do today – RIGHT NOW?
Now this might be daunting – because quite simply, people are trained to look at long term goals. If we are looking at just purely looking good, most people train hard about 4 weeks before summer to try and get that bikini body. But what we are looking at here, is to nail those resolutions – which means it is going to be a year long journey.
So, if you are thinking about fitting in a size 8, 10, 12, 14 dress – whatever it is, you need to work back from a 12 months perspective (a wider angle perspective).
Can you think about how you can do this from a 12 months perspective? Be very specific with your steps.
(Even though I said work backwards, I am going to give examples going forwards)
So for instance, week 1 might be: Throw out junk food from the fridge, start walking, look for a personal trainer, look for a gym, read books on nutrition and exercise, hit the gym/PT 2 times a week.
Week 4 goal might be – train 3 times a week, eat whole foods 70% of the week, walk 3 times a week.
6 Month goal might be – have a 5:2 eating plan that aligns with your training regime, have a split workout ready at the gym and have PT for accountability.
Makes sense right – but see it as being done backwards.
3. Keep your plan of attack (AKA Resolutions) where you can see it, get your IPOD ready and have an accountability buddy.
You need to do whatever it takes to get your butt moving towards your goal!
I am sure you have a friend (at least 1) right? Someone who is motivated to do the same things you are doing. THEY ARE YOUR ACCOUNTABILITY BUDDY!
Or if you can’t find one, seek a professional that will be there no matter what day or time it is!
Keep your resolutions near by. As I write this, I have my Business/Personal goals booklet next to me. I am still working on it, but it is on my desk, and it is where I can see it.
Why? Because, if I ever feel low in energy, I quickly pick it up, turn to the page where it says “Hey, these are your goals this year” and start reading it.
Keep your ipod full of tunes that will inspire you. It doesn’t matter, if it is rock, classical, hiphop, gangster rap, dance/techno or just inspirational speeches. Whatever gets you kicking butt – it is your driving force. Keep that handy.
As you look over your resolutions again, play your favourite tune – and get into that state where it is impossible to not take at least 1 step towards that goal!
4. The why?
This is the final and most important point to attaining your resolution.
- Why are you doing it?
- Why is this important?
- Why must this be in your list for 2016?
Having a goal in writing is only part of the goal setting process – but specifiying the “why” is going to get you to your goal without fail.
If you do not have a strong enough “why” your goals will subsequently fail.
If you have a strong enough “why”, no matter what day or time it is, you will do something to carry you to that end goal.
You cement in your mind/soul why it has to be done. And no matter how bad your week has been, you will keep going. And that is a fact.
Can you relate to setting New Years resolutions and not keeping them? Please SHARE in the comments below.
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