Employing a nanny can be helpful, especially if you work long hours, but you want your children to be comfortable with their caregiver.
It’s important for children to have a consistent, daily routine, especially if you employ a nanny.
When you’re hiring a new nanny, it’s essential to be positive and not show signs of stress. Children are receptive and pick up on negative emotions.
Occasionally, you may need the services of an on demand nanny who can provide short-term care. Since children may become uneasy when there’s a change in their routine, you should make them comfortable about meeting a new caregiver.
Here are some tips to help make it run smoothly:
1) If you need a nanny who knows about baby care, you have to decide whether to hire a nanny who’s planning a career in early childhood education or an experienced nanny. You’ll need to decide how much of your baby’s daily care the nanny will handle.
2) Talk to your kids before the nanny starts working for you and find out how they feel. Encouraging children to express their feelings will make the transition easier. Whatever thoughts your children have, don’t brush them off or tell them they’re silly to feel the way they do. You may tell them the nanny is nice and knows what games they like or what books they read. Make sure you address any concerns your children have before the nanny is with your kids each day.
Always be upbeat and enthusiastic, even if you feel somewhat anxious.
3) Plan to have the nanny come and meet your child before she begins working so they can become acquainted, and you can be at home to observe their interaction. Your child will feel more comfortable meeting a new caregiver while you’re at home. Let your child talk about whatever is important to them about the new caregiver. Plan to introduce the nanny to family members or friends that are an important part of your child’s life, so the routine remains as normal as possible.
4) Have your children choose favourite books or toys to show their new caregiver and make sure the nanny knows that the children especially wanted her to see their favourites. If the nanny knows what books and toys your children are fond of, it will be a great ice breaker and make it easier for her to plan daily activities.
5) Separation anxiety is normal, especially for younger children. To alleviate some of the stress, have your child spend time with relatives or friends when you aren’t around before meeting the nanny for the first time.
Leaving your child with someone else before meeting the nanny may ease the anxiety that could arise.
Once the nanny starts caring for your child, the first few days may be a bit stressful. It might be a good idea to have her arrive a little early so your child can be accustomed to someone new being in your home. When you’re leaving your house, depart quickly and let your child see that you’re happy, even if some anxiety sets in. A smile, hug, and quick goodbye will decrease the separation anxiety.
You can call home to talk to the nanny after you’ve been out of the house for an hour or two, just to find out how things are going. Once your child adjusts to someone new being in the house, they’re likely to forget about any fears they had initially. Taking care of a child takes love and patience, but once you find a nanny who meets your expectations, it should be a positive experience for everyone.
Please share any tips you might have in the comments below.
Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com
meedee said
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mom93821 replied
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