When you were born you were absolutely clear on what you wanted in life and you refused to let anyone or anything get in your way of achieving what you wanted.
Although you were not aware of it, you would cry if you were hungry until you were fed. You would crawl fearlessly around the place, unstoppable to go after that dog. You would give things a go and didn’t take yourself too seriously.
So why are you not like that now? What happened since and what does this have to do with your money story?
As you were going through the above phases of life you were being programmed, with phrases like: Money doesn’t grow on trees; Be grateful for what you have and stop keep wanting more; There are children starving in Africa; You are selfish; Accept what you have been given – and the list goes on!
With all the conditioning that goes on, most people arrive at puberty being compliant with all these demands. The spontaneity, curiosity and willingness to give things a go had been suppressed or completely lost. You don’t even realise that you have been conditioned into making choices in a certain way, like taking the ‘secure job’ even if it is not what you enjoy doing. Or not starting that business you have been considering because ‘what if it doesn’t work out’? And if you made it into business, you may not be comfortable with putting your prices up thinking that you are not worth it or that you may scare people away.
Because of this subconscious programming, many people take the sensible path instead of pursuing their dreams and an exciting happy life.
Although you may not think of it that way, you are actually living up to others’ expectations. Doing that just brings anxiety, unhappiness, and a lack mentality.
So how can you overcome the limitations your early programming has created?
Make a decision
First you need to make a decision that it’s time to take control of your life and become unashamedly you! There is no point on following that you may have been put on due to others’ fear or beliefs.
You will have to be brave to stand up for your own beliefs and follow through with what you want. It takes courage to turn around to those that were guiding you along your path today with love and disrupt the status quo.
They may come around or may not to see the world your way, it doesn’t matter, what matters is that you are going after your own path, with conviction.
Become aware
You will need to start watching yourself. What triggers you to drop your prices? What stops you from asking for an increase? Why are you not sending those invoices out to start bringing the money in? Why did you end up splurging on the newest handbag, that now caused you to be behind on your bills?
Anywhere that money is involved you need to start conducting your transactions mindfully to discover what programs come up? What emotions are arising? What beliefs are you finding to be underpinning your transactions?
Not them down. You will start seeing a pattern. That pattern is holding you back right now. That pattern is what we need to break. It won’t be an easy task, because it has been around for a while.
Change the programming
Once you are aware of the old programming you will have to ask yourself: Is that your belief? Is that a belief that helps you grow? Is it a belief that supports the financial outcomes you desire?
As it’s more then likely not, choose a new belief. What is more aligned with your vision? You may find that the old belief is that you have to work hard for money, and you want the new belief be that money flows to you with ease and grace, you have a couple of choices to reprogram your subconscious.
One is that you can start keep saying the new belief as an affirmation. Your subconscious will fight you! After all that is not what it’s believing right now!
Alternately you can turn that belief into an affirmation, which means turning it into a question: How is money flowing to me with ease and grace right now? Which will send your brain on a discovery mission to find every single way that is happening. Once your mind can believe it you can achieve it.
How do you combat your money story? Share with us in the comments.
mom94125 said
- 28 Sep 2017
mom70876 said
- 23 Apr 2017
june11 said
- 27 Feb 2017
Orsolya replied
- 28 Feb 2017 , 9:58 pm
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