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A Mouths of Mums member is at her wits end with her sons, and has even resorted to calling the police to try and help with their violent behaviour.

The mum-of-two says her 12 and 13 year old boys have pushed her to the limit, with their never-ending fighting and disrespectful behaviour.

“It’s a constant war where they fight like feral dogs, like I’m not kidding, they are so disrespectful and rude, their language is appalling, the younger one will daily do something to annoy the older one and then it’s another violent war between them, they have punched holes in their bedroom doors.”

She says that she and her husband of almost 14 years can’t take it any longer, and it culminated in the police becoming involved.

“We both work hard to provide them a decent life and they just don’t care that we are hurting because of their behaviour.

“I was at work when I message to see how things were and my husband said they were fighting again and he wanted to call the police. I told that was fine as I wasn’t there, so he did and they came around and of course they came back to their senses and stopped but it only lasted a couple of weeks and I literally had to call the police because they just have no filter to what is normal.

“I just don’t know what to do and was seeking some kind of idea to deal with them, as my husband and I are now in the verge of separation because of them.”

“It’s like one of them could seriously hurt the other and the police have said that they will refer our situation to some agency to help, but I’m just still here with them daily while we wait … is there like foster care for feral kids?

“My husband doesn’t really do anything with them so I feel like I’m a single mother. I’ve asked that he help with picking them from school when he’s not working but he never does, and he’s from a different culture.”

Do you have any advice for this mum? Let us know in the comments below.

  • Oh you poor thing. Its been a while since this was posted and I would love an update on where you are at now and if things were sorted what worked?
    Its hard dealing with the teenage years but I guess I was super lucky. I had 3 girls and thankfully they all got on.


  • Raising teens is hard and certain ages are harder than others. I am not sure the Police is the best option but I think some serious talking to one another needs to happen at very least as communication appears to be an issue.


  • Very hard to cope with this sort of problem and all I can do is wish you all the best. It is a pity you and your husband are not both on the same page as far as your children are concerned, and maybe they just keep pressing your buttons because they can!


  • Sounds like the kids could be reacting to dad not being involved. I wonder if the behaviour would change if he was more hands on.


  • I wish I knew what to advise you but I do think your husband needs to step up and help more often when he’s at home. You sound like you’ve got your hands full and I can only hope that you get the help that was offered to you.


  • As a teacher I can say you are not alone. I have heard of other parents do this. As time passes I see more parents who have no control over their quite young children. I see 11 and 12 year olds who think their parents have no right to give them advice or tell them what to do.
    I wish I had an answer.


  • It sounds like calling the police is only a symptom of the problem.
    That family definitely needs help from other services.
    From the little bit of back story that comes through, it very much sounds like the parents are not on the same page as far as parenting goes, and I feel like that’s the core of the issue. Hopefully some support for the whole family will help address that.


  • I feel sad they had to call the police, I’m not sure that was the correct course of action. I suggest talking to a child psychologist or looking at the underlying cause of the issues.


  • Seeking professional support makes sense in this situation.


  • It sounds like your whole family need some serious support. Not just for how your two sons are interacting, but how each of their parents are with them and each other. It’s crucial that you access support as soon as possible, as your children are entering a developmental stage where they may seem even more challenging and defiant. Try talking with your GP for referrals in your area. Headspace may be good to start with too.

    • A terrific and comprehensive response that makes sense. .


  • Wow! that’s extreme to get the police involved. Must be really bad especially has she seems alone in this situation. Definitely look into counseling and therapy for them both and for her and her husband as it sounds that he’s tapped out of any relationship with them and her.


  • This sounds like a really tough and horrendous situation for you. I am sorry you are going through this and your husband isn’t supporting you or helping you. I hope you find a way to get through this and the boys stop this behaviour


  • Aww that sounds tough and like you need some support. I’d talk to my GP and then possibly some additional mental health or child psychologist services. You need help with this and I hope you get it.


  • It sounds extreme to involve the police. I would be inclined to see a doctor who could refer you to someone specialising in behaviour. It may be that they need medication.


  • Oh gosh that’s a tough situation.


  • First of all big hugs that’s a lot, I hope you and your family find the help and resources you guys need.
    Secondly I think you really need to evaluate your relationship? Where’s the equality?
    You say hubby won’t even pick them up from school. If he can’t show you the respect you need and deserve what hope do the kids have to Learn basic principles and discipline & most importantly respect.
    I’m sorry mumma but your allowing this. This is where I’d start. I’d start with hubby and the relationship. Then the boys!

    • I agree the relationship between husband and wife doesn’t sound healthy and certainly needs worked at. I wonder how he sees his parenting role too


  • It simple take them to the local Police station and have them put in a cell for an hour or 2 this will open eyes to what is coming.


  • I would get a counseling service like head space, ask there coordinator or house leader at there school for some referrals or the well-being team at there school who would have a lot of services to offer!


  • You definitely need professional help for them – urgently.


  • I would look into an aggression replacement training program


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