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Imagine sitting down to a meal with a friend at a restaurant, only to be confronted with not just one, but two babies with dirty nappies being changed on a neighbouring table.

A shocked diner says they were confronted with this exact scene, when they sat down to dinner with their best friend.

“We were seated in a back corner booth. Two young mothers with newborns say down in the booth across from us. They were fed immediately,” the person explained. “After a five minutes or so each baby took a massive dump in their diapers as if they had planned it.

“The mothers, not wanting their bundles of joy to rot in in their excrement, immediately changed their babies on the table for us to see and smell. The smell was rank and overpowering to the point my friend and I were nauseated. The potent combo of the two babies reeked like rotten fruit with a dash of fish and lingered for ages.

“I asked why they did not change the diapers in the washroom. They responded that one of the toilets were plugged the washroom smelled like sh*t.

“I fully support public breastfeeding. That is normal and healthy. I do not support creating a biohazard while I am eating ten feet away.”

The post has been met with thousands of comments, supporting the diner’s decision to confront the mothers.

“That’s also very unsanitary,” one person commented. “Diapers should never be changed on a surface that is used for food prep, or food is served on. Also should not be happening in a room where food prep or eating takes place. Faecal matter is one of the main contaminates that causes food borne illnesses at eating establishments. (Normally because the cook or servers don’t properly wash their hands).”

Another person replied:

“I was once in a hospital cafeteria with my family. We were sitting and chatting after we’d finished eating. We watched a woman a few tables over lay her baby down on the table and change a dirty #2 diaper on the table. She left and didn’t even wipe down the table or anything. I was so appalled.

“We were at the hospital because my family member was extremely ill with the flu. Not saying this is how you get the flu, but it took everything in me not to go up to that woman and ask her “HOW DO YOU THINK PEOPLE GET SICK?!””

What would you do in the same situation? Let us know in the comments below. 

  • These people have no commonsense. What would they say if you decided to do the same with a 2 year old? I bet they would think it’s gross. I am surprised the restaurant didn’t say anything to them. Completely unacceptable. I would hate to see what their houses look and smell like.


  • I can’t imagine there being no other option than to use a dining table to change a dirty nappy. I would imagine it’s against the health code of an eatery, and just downright gross.


  • In short: no. Come on!!


  • When there was no changing facilities I always just went to my car to change


  • 100% no – not ever!! There is no acceptable excuse for changing a diaper in a restaurant on the table. If facilities are not provided then pack your baby up and take them back to your car – that is beyond acceptable behaviour especially when people around you are eating. Gosh some people really don’t think!!


  • On a restaurant dining table? Unhygenic, and disgusting. I would certainly have said something.


  • A table itself. No. But I’ve been to restaurants here in Australia that did not have a baby change table at all. I changed my baby, very awkwardly, in the back corner in his pram. No one could see as family gathered to hide me. But it is out of a mothers hands sometimes when there is no change facility available.


  • It would seem the Crazy Writer is at it again .How can you ask this it does not deserve an answer other than to say the writer of the story needs to get an education


  • I’ve been to many restaurants where there was no baby change table in the toilet at all. And in winter, I’m not going to change my baby’s nappy in the car. How do you even for in a sedan and change? Recently at a restaurant, they didn’t have a provision, they gave us their office table to change. We always lay down a changing mat though.
    I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to change a poo diaper on a restaurant table.


  • Not okay at the table, that’s what they gave bathrooms for


  • Absolutely not. If there is no change table go to the car and do it. We have people do it on the plane which is a big no no.


  • At a restaurant, it’s definitely a no. I could maybe justify it at a family friendly play style Cafe, but not around people eating.


  • That is so unhygienic! I dare say against health standards


  • Not something i would do. Yuck ????


  • Ummm no. A mum of two I know it’s not ideal but come on. Not only is it unhygienic it’s terribly rude and lazy to do it on a table in a restaurant…


  • Nope – unhygienic and disgusting! No need to do it at the table.. the restaurant would definitely be able to provide a safe and appropriate change area for babies.


  • more places should definitely try be more accomodating to parents, its a hard one!


  • Should go to the bathroom or a change room – Many restaurants have rooms and space for some privacy.


  • This is so disrespectful for the other patrons in the restaurant. There are plenty of other places this could have been done. I would never have done that out of respect for other customers and the restaurant.


  • I would have thought that the staff would have steeped in and addressed this. That’s not acceptable at all.


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