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Ghost Whisperer star Jennifer Love Hewitt has opened up about something many parents can relate to – the sheer terror of being allowed to go home with your new baby.

“Those first couple of nights, it was wild,” said the actress, who is married to Brian Hallisay, her co-star in The Client List.

“When they let us bring her home I said to [Brian], ‘To get your licence you have to take a test. They check to make sure you’re a good human being to get behind the wheel of a car. They’ve given us no test! We just had a baby and now we’re going home.’ He was like, ‘I know, it’s terrifying!’”

But daughter Autumn James, 4 months old, has settled in to life with her now very capable parents.

Her husband is “fantastic. He’s great at diaper changing and at the football hold, which she loves,” said Jennifer. “It’s really 50-50. I feel very lucky that way! I do the stuff that I need to do as a mom and he does the dad part.”

Like most celebrities who have given birth, the actress has found the focus soon goes to losing her baby weight – especially given the taunting about her body after some unflattering photos were published in 2007.

“Having been somebody who has had to think about what my body looked like for 25 years, it was hard when it didn’t come off. I didn’t look like some of the girls in the magazines that I’ve worked with … who [the weight] does fall off for,” she says.

“I was like, ‘What’s wrong with me?’ I had to have a conversation with myself. I had to look at her and think, ‘Would I want her to feel this way when she’s my age?’ I was like, ‘Get it together – your head’s in the wrong place.’

“It took nine months to get it this way, it might take nine months to get it back. If I have an hour to go to the gym or an hour to lie down and take a nap with her in my arms, I’m going to lie down and take a nap.”

A bit of swimming and Zumba are now being introduced, and “I hold her, we do squats, we dance, she listens to the music and she loves it. Or I put her in her little chair and she watches and thinks it’s really funny,” she shares.

“[Working out is] really jarring to your body. I don’t know how people go back and do CrossFit a week later. It’s just not me. I’m slowly getting back into it. I’m not that worried.”

Image of “Jennifer Love Hewitt” from Shutterstock
  • Depression and other symptoms do come about after having a child, more so with others, i suffered this and at times couldnt get out of it and wouldnt look at my son, was scared


  • I think everyone has doubts before their first baby arrives! Only normal!


  • it is normal for new Mums to have concerns as they don’t go here is you child and your baby manual. I never lost my weight easy after having my kids and after having my first she was 2 weeks old and in a pram with me when some one asked have you not had the baby yet. Not every one goes straight back to what they were before hand


  • For me , it is normal have a little tummy after having a gorgeous baby.


  • I think all new mums feel this to a degree. it takes a little while to develop confidence in yourself!


  • she is a lovely person and should be admired for being direct


  • Newborn does not come with a manual and its great to see that Jennifer is being candid about her experience.She is the same as us after all.


  • Dont have a baby if u cant look after it


  • Isn’t is so nice to hear a celebrity say the real side of being a mum and just enjoying all the wonderful ups and downs that being a mum brings to your life. I’ve always admired the way Jennifer hasn’t let the media dictate her body.


  • Love her honesty! I’m due in June and I’m already feeling that way!


  • good to see a celebrity open up and be honest . A breath of fresh air to read


  • i was the same when i had my son 4 years ago even tho i had 3 other children but they were a lot older 10,12,15 and i was so scared at the thought of having to bring this new born baby home and having to look after him when it had been so long since my other children.
    I had so many different thoughts go through my head its scary, really glad that she spoke out about her fears


  • At least she is being honest 🙂


  • i think most of the mums think like this including me but later it is a big surprise to find that we can cope with all these


  • i think most of the mums think like this inside including me but later it is a big sur


  • Such a beauty she is! And so down to earth 🙂


  • I remember freaking out when I found out I was pregnant wondering how the heck I was going to cope. I stressed for most of the pregnancy. I wanted a manual and no two people ever gave me the same piece of advice. But it’s true, you settle in quickly and your priorities change. Well done for being real and admitting it!


  • Good on her for being so honest!


  • Your focus is your gorgeous bub now.. who cares if you have alittle tummy? gosh…


  • its really is hard when you bring bub home


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