Attitude is everything…how we react or respond to something can be the difference between a good day and a bad day!
Recently I started listening every morning to a very practical gentleman called Earl Nightingale and he talks about the ‘magic word’ – ATTITUDE.
My alarm is set for 5.30am, I lay there, just 5 more minutes, then another 5 and then I hear them…they are moving, like rodents in the night but instead its morning and in another few minutes they will come looking for me.
Do I or don’t I have time to play my attitude session, to get me through the next 2 or 3 hours before school starts. Listening to Earl, I am trying to brace myself for the punch ups between the 2 big kids, as they antagonise each other the minute they open their eyes.
‘Attitude’ you tell yourself, towards your reaction to this madness.
You brave the madness, out you go smiling (well more like lips sealed and tilted at each end mimicking a smile), the rule is NO TV in the morning until everyone is dressed and fed, what’s that I hear… a TV, what’s that I see four darling children kicked back relaxed on the lounge watching TV! Is anyone dressed in uniform? Of course not, in fact two aren’t even dressed at all; the youngest two don’t even like clothes as the third youngest got dressed in his pajamas the other night after his bath only to remove them before hopping into bed.
Have the 10 and 12 year old got them breakfast of course…not.
I must admit my 10 year old daughter is that bit more responsible and at times gets her own breakfast, the 12 year old boy, mmmmm, let’s just say he would go without some days before he would get it himself.
- ‘Me time’ for Mothers – what could 5 minutes do for you?
- Tips for getting the family out of the house each morning
So the standard phrases begin, turn the TV off, get dressed, have some breakfast, what would you like for breakfast, tell me now not 10 minutes before we walk out the door, stop speaking to each other like that, don’t hit her, don’t hit him, that’s not a very nice way to speak to someone, I don’t know where your brush is, I don’t know where your shoes are as I don’t wear them…hurry up you are going to be late…then the tears, take your pick if it’s not one it’s another, over something minor, but in their world it’s the end of the world as we know it.
In there somewhere I am dressing two children, refereeing and making lunch, when the 12 year old wants to show me something and when asked to wait a minute, says, ‘you don’t care about me, you aren’t interested in me’.
That word or feeling is trying to crash through the chaos – ATTITUDE.
I am trying really I am, I am using my calm voice, I am switching off to the point I am coming across as ‘beige’ a non-descript personality.
It’s working I know it is, but NO the 10 year old is now bellowing like a Braham bull calf estranged from its mother, and there it is I lose my s**t…. I am now the mother Braham bellowing at everyone to get in the car, grab your bags, did you grab your lunches, I am not dropping it down later I threaten, however they know I won’t let them starve.
Finally we are in the car, and I am using every inner peace I have in me to ignore the banter so as we don’t have a car crash, finally in the distance I see it, it’s beautiful, it’s the SCHOOL. We pull up looking frazzled, but once again we made it, albeit the chaos we went through to get there.
It’s not groundhog day you tell yourself, but really if we are honest it is, every morning we wake up and do the same thing over and over again, does it get better, not sure, but know this you are not alone we are all going through the same thing just a different variation on the chaos!
What are your mornings like, do your kids help out? Please share in the comments below.
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