

A manhunt is underway after a nine-month-old baby was attacked with scalding hot liquid in Brisbane yesterday.

Police say the baby and his family were having a picnic at Hanlon Park In Coorparoo when the man, who was not known to the group, approached them at midday yesterday.

He then poured a hot liquid onto the baby, before fleeing. The baby suffered burns to his chest and face and underwent surgery for serious but not life-threatening injuries.

The man is still at large, with officers from the Child Protection and Investigation Unit launching an investigation. Police have released CCTV of a man who may be able to assist with their enquiries. He is described as 30 to 40 years-old, with tanned skin, wearing a black hat, glasses, shirt and shorts.

Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers.

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  • This is just so despicable. Why?????? Why would anyone want to throw scalding hot coffee at some random, innocent, helpless baby???? Humans are disgusting


  • so sad I’m sure the person doesn’t even realise how much damage they had done and how hard its going to be for family and the child


  • So horrific. And what makes this

    • ..worse is that he will probably plead mentally ill and not see the punishment he deserves because of that. This poor baby ????


  • This makes my blood boil. So many mentally ill people out there that should not be out on the streets, yet they are given bail so easily.


  • Cant even fathom that this is happening in today’s society! Sickening


  • This is just unimaginable. The poor baby & family. I hope they truly throw the book at him when caught. It was a good image of the man so hopefully they will catch him quickly. Sue him personally for damages.

    • Yes, Hope they catch him soon !


  • Such a horrific thing to happen. I hope they get this man before he does something like this again, or God forbid, something worse.


  • I hope they find him before he does something similar again.


  • When they get him the boys in jail will reward him

    • Lol, I wouldn’t have a problem with that


  • I truly wonder what his motives were ? Does he hate babies ? Does he hate to see a happy family unit ? Does he find delight in committing such horrible act and running away from it ? Is he a mentally sick person with a weak self image and -esteem ? Does he find delight in the media attention ? Does it give him a sense of power and control that he’s still at large ? Attacking a vulnerable baby shows to me is that he’s weak and a coward and running away shows he isn’t brave at all


  • How can anyone do this to a poor innocent baby! That person must be a very sick one.


  • This is so shocking and upsetting. That poor baby and family. Why would someone do this?


  • I can’t stop thinking about this. That somewhere lurking our streets this absolute monster is hiding. I hope our amazing doctors and nurses can help bub heal.


  • Seriously what is wrong with people :( this is just wrong..


  • The heading of this articel ie wrong….its should not read “Man attacks Baby…..” To make this articel corect it should read “Coward attacks Baby……” Please dont refer to this coward as a Man. No Real Man wouold ever do such a thing.


  • I heard about this on the radio- I don’t know how anyone could do such a thing!


  • Such a calculated deliberate and unprovoked act is pure evil. I believe the man is still at large :(

    • I hope they catch this person. This is so horrific.


  • A monstrous act and justice needs to be swift.

    • What do you reckon, how many years should he get ?


  • Such a traumatic incident. My thoughts go out to the parents/family who were present and I hope and pray the baby recovers well with as little as possible complications and scars.


  • What a POS. I hope this person is caught soon and brought to justice. This poor child will have scars for the rest of their life and the poor family that witnessed this cowardly attack will forever carry these horrific images with them. Love and prayers to this strong baby and family.


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