

A teenager in India has given birth to a baby girl weighing a whopping 15lbs – the heaviest girl ever born in the world.

The Mirror reports, Nandini, 19, welcomed her first child, a daughter, by caesarean section on Monday evening at a government-run hospital in Hassan in southern state Karnataka.

Dr Venkatesh Raju, the local health officer, said: “In my 25 years of experience, I had never seen such a big baby. She is a miracle.

“I believe she is not only the heaviest baby born in India but the heaviest baby girl ever born in the world.”

The Mirror reports, Nandini, who herself weighs 94 kg and stands 5’9 tall, had a smooth pregnancy throughout but was unaware she was about to give birth to a big baby.

Doctors confirmed the mother was not diabetic which usually causes obesity in new-born infants.

The baby is being kept at the neonatal intensive care unit and doctors are monitoring her developments before they discharge her in few days.

Dr Poornima Manu, gynaecologist who delivered the baby said: “She came as a big surprise for all of us. The surgery took place for nearly half an hour and it was free of any risk. She is really big and beautiful.


“She does not have any health issues like irregular sugar levels or thyroid and is breathing well. We were initially concerned about her sugar levels but that is normal. The mother had made regular visits for check-ups at the hospital and never showed signs of gestational diabetes or thyroid disorders.

“Both the mother and the child are doing fine and we will discharge them once we are confident of the baby’s health.”

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Image vie The Mirror

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  • Just gorgeous, a big healthy baby girl. So glad mum and bub are both doing fine :-)


  • wow! And i thought that mine was big :)


  • Wow, that is amazing. Good to hear everyone is doing well, and both mm and baby are doing well. It really is a miracle.


  • As long as Mum and Bub are doing well that is the main thing.


  • Ooh, this physically hurt me to read. My son was born 9lbs/4kgs and I remember how painful the recovery was, so I don’t envy this woman. Pleased though that this child was born healthy and well.


  • Wow that is amazing, best wishes to mum and Bub xx


  • Whoa! My legs were crossed reading this story!!


  • Wow, that’s a very big baby infeed ! Glad to hear mym & baby are doing well !


  • She’s got a lot of hair indeed. My daughter has almost been bold till she was around 10-11 months old.


  • Sae this baby on TV the other day – just imagine trying to carry this baby very far – I’d be hoping she crawls really quickly.


  • WOW! happy to see mumma and bubba are okay xx


  • OMG. I can’t imagine a bub that big, My little one was born in March and was a teeny 2.6 kg and is still nowhere near that weight nearly 3 months later.


  • Congratulations to the mother and child,fantastic news she is healthy and wishing them all the best!


  • What a whopper of a baby! Glad they are both doing well.


  • Wow that’s a big baby. Will be interesting to follow the progress of this beautiful big bubba


  • Thank goodness she had a caesarian – although I don’t imagine that she had a choice!


  • Wow that is a large bubby. I have seen 13 and 14 pounders but their mums had diabetes. that would have had to be a caesarian delivery!


  • 7 pound used to be considered normal weight. This baby is the weight you would expect twins to be at normal weights. No wonder she needed a c-section.


  • 15lbs??
    Gosh that poor woman. I wonder what size clothing bub was wearing….forget the newborn nappies.


  • I thought my newborn was big. That is amazing that the Doctor’s didn’t pick it up sooner.


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