Navigating motherhood is tricky at the best of times, so we’re looking to the stars for guidance with Mouths of Mums Astrologer Kim Tennant to see what’s coming up for mums in March.
From career to parenting and relationships, we’re delving into what’s in store for the beautiful month ahead.
And if you want to know what’s in store for your baby in March, head to our article Star Child: Your Baby’s March 2023 Horoscope.
The first few weeks of March will be quiet.
Indeed, this is a time when you feel like taking a step back. Just breathe! When the Sun moves into your sign on March 21st, you will be ready to step out into the light once more. The Full Moon in Virgo on March 7th highlights your health and is a wonderful time to release any bad habits that may impact on your wellbeing. The New Moon in Aries on March 22nd is the perfect time to commence any changes you may want to make. Get a new hairstyle, update your wardrobe, start a fitness regime. Mars, your ruler, moves into Cancer on March 25th – the sign of its fall. Frustrations may arise during this time. Putting your energy into your home life is the best use of Mars placed in this sign.
March is the perfect time to spend with friends. It’s also a great time to focus on your wishes, hopes and dreams.
The Virgo Full Moon on March 7th shines a light on your child/ren. Release any parenting issues you may have during this time. When the Sun changes sign at the end of the month, you may feel a need to take some time out. Spend some in introspection and listen to any strong feelings you may have. The New Moon in Aries on March 22nd is the perfect time to commence a meditation or yoga practice. Your ruling planet, Venus, continues to spend time in Aries, sign of her detriment for the first half of the month. However, Venus moves into your sign on March 17th bringing a sense of flow into your life. This is a great time to take some time to nurture yourself and beautify your life.
Gemini mums may find that they are career focused this month.
Take the time to focus on where you are headed in life. The Virgo Full Moon on March 7th is the perfect time to have a clean out around the home. Family may also be an emotional trigger under this moon. When the Sun changes sign into Aries on March 21st, it’s time to join a new group that may benefit both you and your child. The New Moon in Aries on March 22nd is the perfect time to make new connections, so if you’ve been looking for other new mums to chat with, the energy is right during this period.
Your ruling planet, Mercury, continues its time in Pisces for the first two weeks of the month, highlighting your emotional side. It moves into the sign of Aries on March 19th, so don’t be surprised if you become more self-focused during this time.
Cancer mothers may use the energy in March to take up new studies.
The Full Moon in Virgo on March 7th is a great time to clean out your home office space or study. Your reputation may come to the fore during the last week in March, when the Sun moves sign. The New Moon in Aries on March 22nd is the perfect time to change careers or make wishes for a fresh start in life. The Moon is your ruling planet and you may find that the Full Moon brings out some anger due to its connection with Mars. The New Moon, however, gifts you with a time when you can express your feelings, thanks to a positive connection with the planet Mercury. The planet Mars moves into= your sign on March 25th, bringing you increased energy and vitality.
Leo mums will feel things very deeply this month.
They may be less flamboyant and much more intense. You may also develop an interest in areas of the occult, such as tarot, astrology and psychic development. The Full Moon in Virgo on March 7th is a great time to take a closer look at your self-worth and release any self-sabotaging thoughts or feelings. When the Sun changes sign Leo mums start to explore their values. The New Moon in Aries on March 22nd is a great time to plan a trip or to start a new area of learning. Leo mums are ruled by The Sun, which becomes exalted at the end of the month. Vitality will be high and your creativity will flow.
Virgo mums will be focusing on their relationships this month – both in business and in your personal life.
The Full Moon in Virgo on March 7th shines a light on you! This is a great time to take a look at yourself and release anything that no longer represents who you really are. When the Sun moves into Aries towards the end of the month, you may be more closed off about your feelings. Share with those you trust. The New Moon in Aries on March 22nd is the perfect time to book in for an astrology class or have a tarot reading. Your ruling planet, Mercury, continues its time in Pisces for the first two weeks of the month, highlighting the potential to clash with those people who hold opposing views. When it moves into the sign of Aries on March 19th, your thoughts are likely to turn towards your health and habits.
Libra mums will probably find that health and diet may be a prominent focus for the first few weeks of March.
Make sure you listen to your body and take steps to look after yourself properly. Although Libra is a very social sign, the Virgo Full Moon on March 7th is asking you to spend the time reconnecting with yourself. Towards the end of the month, when the Sun moves into Aries, your focus will move towards your relationships – an area you are very comfortable with. Use the Aries New Moon on March 22nd to manifest the partner or relationship of your dreams. The bumps in the road continue for the first half of the month with Venus, your ruling planet, continuing her transit through the sign of Aries. You may be attracted to those who have some depth to their character when Venus moves into Taurus on March 17th.
Children will be a strong focus for Scorpio mums this month.
A need to fully express yourself may also be a theme. The Full Moon in Virgo on March 7th shines a light on your friendships. Use this time to release any friendships that aren’t impacting your life in a positive way. When the Sun moves into Aries, you might find yourself perfecting your daily schedule. The New Moon in Aries on March 22nd is the perfect time to make changes that will improve your health. If you’ve been thinking of buying a family pet, now is the time. Pluto, your ruling planet, changes sign into Aquarius on March 23rd bringing in fresh energy and new opportunities. Mars, your co-ruler, will also change signs at the end of the month, reinforcing new starts.
Sagittarius mums will be devoted to their family for most of March.
Your home will be your haven for the first three weeks of the month. The Full Moon in Virgo on March 7th may see the ending of a career or a change in your life direction. Having fun will become a major focus towards the end of the month when the Sun moves into Aries. The New Moon in Aries on March 22nd is a great time to take up a new leisure interest. If you are wanting to start or add to your family, make New Moon wishes for a baby during this time. Jupiter, your ruling planet, sits close to Chiron throughout the month, bringing the opportunity to heal old hurts. The first week of the month Jupiter is joined by Venus, bringing a week of luck and good fortune.
Capricorn mums may find themselves active in their local community during March. Neighbours may also be highlighted in some way. The Full Moon in Virgo on March 7th is the perfect time to let go of any self-limiting beliefs you may have. Towards the end of the month, when the Sun moves sign, your home life will take a front seat. The Aries New Moon on March 22nd brings great manifesting energy for a new home or for changes around your current home. Saturn, your ruling planet, moves into the sign of Pisces on March 8th. Pluto also leaves your sign for the first time in many years. Change is coming!
You may find your focus is on your resources during the first few weeks of March.
In fact, you may need to call on your own resourcefulness! The Virgo Full Moon highlights change. Embrace any changes you wish to make and release anything that is no longer working in your life. Communication will become increasingly important as the month moves on. The Aries New Moon on March 22nd is a great time to make a technological purchase and/or sign up for a course. Uranus, your ruling planet, is making no major connections this month, so life should continue to flow. Your co-ruler Saturn, however, moves sign on March 8th, heralding in the winds of change.
Pisces mums will find that the focus is on them for a change this month.
Use this time to review who you are and practice a little self-acceptance. The Full Moon in Virgo on March 7th shines a light on your relationships. Release any aspects of your relationships that aren’t working now. When the Sun moves on from your sign into Aries, it’s time to focus on what you truly value in life. The New Moon in Aries on March 22nd is a wonderful time to start using positive affirmations to increase your self-esteem. Neptune, your ruler, is un-anspected during the last week of the month, bringing feelings of isolation. However, Jupiter, your co-ruler, joins with Chiron to bring healing energy into your life.
“Throughout my life I have always been fascinated by the stars. I had my first astrology reading in my 20s and couldn’t believe that a stranger could know me so well. I studied under several astrologers and started consulting when my children were very young. I used astrology to parent my own children (and still do, despite the fact that they are now adults). I have done many children’s charts over the years, helping parents to understand their children. Astrology can put you in touch with yourself. If we all took the time to understand ourselves and others, the world would be a much better place.”
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