

Who doesn’t love a holiday? When you’re relaxing it’s easy to let go of the purse strings and treat yourself that little bit more.

Keeping an eye on things, and making a few adjustments, can mean there is money in the bank for your next holiday at the end of this one.

Here are 10 tips to get you thinking, saving before and during your holidays.

  •  Take homemade lunches, stop having takeaway coffees and place the savings in a holiday jar. You’ll be amazed at how quickly it fills.
  • Buy reusable filtering water bottles. Fill up anywhere and reduce landfill! Saves a fortune while on holidays!
  • Eat out at local RSL clubs on holidays, they are heaps cheaper than restaurants. Use a shop a docket for meal deals as well.
  • Take the bubbly, strawberries & good quality cheeses with you.
  • Take the time to shop around and find cheap airline tickets, use vouchers for accommodation and research low-cost activities that are enjoyable for the whole family.
  • Get an apartment, buy groceries for snacks, have lazy days by the pool or beach. Search Google for discounted tickets to shows, adventure activities and massages.
  • Take small holidays – Regularly! Short breaks beat stress and build happier relationships. In the long term, they’re a better, much cheaper alternative to getting therapy!
  • Take your own coffee and save a fortune on buying them out. It’s always good to book accommodation with a kitchenette or toaster & save money by having breakfast in your room.
  • Bring your own alcohol and don’t use the mini bar. Use the pool & gym if available, spend time in the hotel just relaxing and chilling.
  • Have a luxury staycation in your own town. All the money you save on travel costs can be spent on a deluxe night out instead.

It seems we spend endless amounts of time to save money for a holiday, yet spend absolutely everything we have left trying to feed and entertain ourselves on this holiday! Don’t break the bank trying to have fun, you’ll appreciate it much more when you get home to the real world of bills and groceries.

Do you have any tips on how to save money? Share with us below. 

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  • Thanks for the tips – I really need to exercise some of these when on holiday.


  • We try to do a lot of these, it really doesn’t have to be expensive to go on holidays


  • Very handy tips, thanks for sharing.


  • There are some great tips on here. I recently started rounding up bills and putting the extra money into a separate account. It soon adds up.


  • Most motel some hotels rooms have small fridges in them. You can buy a loaf of bread for toast, sandwiches for lunch etc. Put cheese . other sandwich fillings in the fridge until you are ready to leave. Take a small esky to put them in while travelling. If you are travelling with a baby or toddler you will need one anyway.


  • Need this we have a big one coming next year I’m trying to save and plan for


  • Great tips! We always make sure our accommodation has the basic cooking facilities so we can save money making our own meals rather than eating out all the time.


  • I agree with clubs being good for meals when away.


  • Great tips ! Think we should get more small holidays as opposed to no holidays. We had a small holiday last November as the first in many many years. It so was lovely.


  • All very good tips as you tend to get carried away on holidays!


  • We generally rent a house and we cook. A great way to save money. Even if occasionally we go out for a dinner or a lunch while on holidays.


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