

It’s happening! After thousands of fans missed out on bagging official Bluey commemorative coins from the Royal Australian Mint, the new collection has been released.

Earlier this year Official Bluey Dollarbucks were released, but getting your hands on a set was like winning the lottery. It involved a ballot system that was designed to keep the distribution of the coins fair, however fans were incensed when they saw coin sets listed for resale – some for as much as $100,000!

Bluey Dollarbucks ebay

Bluey Coins

Now, in a collaboration with Australia Post, the Royal Australian Mints has released an all-new range of collectable Bluey Dollarbucks and Stamps.

There will be ten $1 collectable coins and a stamp pack available from Australia Post.

How To Get Bluey Coins

Bluey Coins

Yesterday the Ballot opened for those wanting to try and secure their coins. The coins and stamps are now available through:

  • Coin Shop located in Deakin
  • Contact Centre (1300 652 020)
  • Participating Australia Post Offices

And there’s a little twist! You’ll have the chance of discovering one special-coloured coin, which will be randomly placed in one-in-ten tubes, when purchasing the 10-Coin Tube and Folder set.

And there’s also another way to get your hands on these coins! Pay cash at participating Post Offices until 29 September, and you may just get a $1 Bluey or Bingo coin in your change!

Bluey Coins

Bluey coins and stamps

This isn’t the first time that Bluey stamps have been released, with the last set going on sale in 2020. And sets are still available on eBay for some hefty coin! Which means these new stamps may end up being quite valuable.

Will you be buying the Bluey coins this time? Let us know in the comments below. 

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  • Went to my local PO in the faint hope they might have some, smallish PO I had small hope. Yep, pays off,got 2 sets…..one for each grandchild. SO stoked


  • These are just adorable. Id love to collect some and put them away till my 5 year old turns 21 and give them to him. He loves Bluey


  • Bluey-mania! Would love to get my hands on the coloured coins!


  • The queues on tv for these are totally insane.


  • I’m really not counting on it, I know they’re sold out online, but I’m off to my local PO tomorrow…..just in case. I might score some stamps ????


  • It will be interesting to see if these coins hold and/or gain value over the years.


  • Wow! how crazy was those prices on ebay. Not a coin collector myself but I can definitely see the appeal to Bluey fans. Probably won’t buy they myself but best of luck to those that are trying to get them.


  • So many post offices were sold out within 30min…


  • My daughter loves collecting coins and she’ll LOVE these Bluey ones.


  • Cute coins for collectors and fans.


  • Hmm yeah they’re cute, but I don’t think they will hold value.


  • They’ll be inundated! Think I’ll try the local post office…would love a set of coins, but not holding my breath is there’s any in stock


  • I rang the contact center and got a pack. Will find out if it’s a genuine call center if it arrives, and my accounts not scammed by then ????????????


  • I finally gave in and brought a set for our grandson


  • Pretty sure they sold out super fast again? But I wasn’t trying to buy them anyway.


  • None of my household members would run for this.


  • I’m so glad I saw this post! I was successful in getting one coin in the ballet but didn’t know that Australia post were also selling them. Handy to know! Fingers crossed I can get the rest of them.


  • Super cute and would have loved to get some for my kids


  • And apparently the Australia Post website crashed.

    • It sure did. Down for several hours and then once up and running still experiencing issues.

      • Of course it did, I think websites always crash when something is popular. I hear this happening a lot with things.


  • Thanks for sharing, we won’t be buying these.


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