

A mum of four, who beat cancer during her pregnancy, gave birth to her twins only to die a day later from heart failure.

Courageous Jamie Snider, 30, of California, had treatment and chemotherapy for a rare, aggressive form of cervical cancer throughout her pregnancy with twins, according to ABC 7. 

Already mum to two young daughters, Aubrey and Maddie, Ms Snider was prepared to kick cancer’s butt.

But after having a C-section and radical hysterectomy on March 16, Snider passed away the next morning after her heart failed.

Ms Snider had already beaten the cancer once, losing an ovary in the process. But she was then surprised and delighted to find herself pregnant with twins, reports Daily Mail.

While Ms Snider did get through the surgeries on March 16, her heart failed the morning after.

The babies, named Camila and Nico, came prematurely at 33 weeks but family say they’re healthy.

‘What gives me peace in my heart is she got to see those babies and hold them and be with them a little bit,’ said a close friend.

Our hearts break for this family. Sending love and best wishes to all who knew and loved Jamie.

jamie snider

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Image via Daily Mail

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  • my gosh! this is the saddest thing that i have heard today! poor gal


  • Fuck cancer.


  • That’s awful! To go through so much and beat cancer to then die a day after giving birth. Such a tragedy


  • This is so sad. Jamie fought so hard through all the hurdles that stood in her way, then succumbed to heart failure. Sadly the surgery took its toll. I hope her treatment and chemo gave her relief and happiness. They say the babies are healthy and I certainly hope they are. I hope they are closely monitored for at least the first 12 months. Their Father grieves for the Mother of his children and cope with the grief of the older 2 children as well. Hopefully there is plenty of support forthcoming for all of them.


  • wow how incredibly sad – these kids though will always have her as their guardian angel – may she rest in peace


  • So very sad.
    R.I.P. Jamie and may you always be looking down and sending protective love down to your little ones.
    My love and thoughts to all the family. <3


  • How awfully sad !! My thoughts & prayers go out to this family.


  • how terribly sad. I pray the family are coping with the loss.


  • Very sad to read this story,R.I.P. Jamie.


  • life can be so cruel sometimes, so glad she got to meet her babies first!


  • Such sad news. She was a very brave woman. I’m glad she got to see and nurse her babies. My condolences to the family on your sad loss.


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