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We all know that picking a name for a child is deeply personal and while we all would love our friends and family to love the moniker we choose, it doesn’t always happen that way.

A few weeks ago we shared the story of a mum devastated by her grandmother’s reaction to her baby’s name. And now, a woman has shared how she really doesn’t like the name her brother picked out for his newborn and can’t decide whether she should say something or keep silent.

I’m Worried For My Niece

The woman wrote a post on Mumsnet venting her concerns for her baby niece’s name:

“My brother has chosen Gretel for his daughter…Is this an okay name? I am worried that she will be asked ‘Is your brother Hansel?’ all her life.”

Keep Your Mouth Shut!

But she probably regretted sharing her opinion after seeing the flurry of defensive responses, pretty much ripping the poor woman apart for daring to express her opinion.

Most of the commenters said that they actually loved the name and the child is not hers so it’s really none of her business.

“Why on earth are you worried? It’s not your baby. The name is fine,” said one.

“I think it’s a lovely name, very underused and classic.”

Love The Name!

“Your brother’s choice, not yours. Gretel is a perfectly fine name, unusual but nothing wrong with it,” said another.

“The name is not your hill to die on,” read another comment.

“Um yes, she will get a bit of that and it’s twee… but it’s up to them isn’t it. There are worse names.”

Another responded similarly:
“Our son has a unique name from a known duo. Whenever anyone mentions the other half I just laugh. It’s a lovely name. Also, it’s not your child.”

Even a teacher weighed in: “Have taught two Gretels over a long teaching career. Nice name. Hardly any kids know the H&G story these days. Never got mentioned with the two I knew.”

What would you do if you didn’t like the name a family member or friend had picked for their child? Would you say something or just keep silent? Tell us in the comments below.

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  • Many people are named Gretel. No matter what name you pick, it’s always going to be a character/actor/celebrity’s name so you could say something like this about any name.


  • I’d keep quiet if I didn’t like a name given to a baby, after all it’s not my baby so why would I worry.


  • After the baby is born it’s so rude to say anything. Even before the baby is born as long as the name isn’t inappropriate or the initials aren’t inappropriate or something that could be made into a joke, always best to keep your opinions to yourself.


  • I think that it’s rude to question another’s choice


  • I would not say anything because I don’t feel it’s my business.


  • It’s a difficult one but I’d keep my opinion to myself, unless of course the name rhymed with something bad or was unpronounceable.


  • I would never said I don’t like the time…


  • I don’t think you need to love the name, but may as well be supportive of your brother and niece. I rather like the name.


  • These days people are calling their children by some very unusual names like Windy and snowdrop and I think we just need to keep our opinion to ourselves.
    In our family my brother is named the same as my father and my sister is also has the same name as my mother. I am the middle child – named after my grandmother.


  • Unless they have a son named Hansel. It’s not your business.


  • The names my siblings choose for their kids is simply non of my business ! I don’t understand why I would even express my opinion about it


  • One of our sons has a name that has attracted some comments. for older people that have asked if he was named after “Alvin Purple” or we get others saying you must love the chipmunks. It does not matter what name you pick others will always find a way of teasing you about it. Others will shorten it and then have something to say about that too. You can not win in this game.


  • Funny how it is not easy to share an opinion nowadays, you get these defensive responses..

    • if people are being petty over something that is not their business then they have to expect people to disagree with them


  • Unless they were proposing to name the kid something like Hitler, I’d just keep quiet. Not my business.


  • Kids will tease kids no matter what their name is. Gretel is a lovely name and if the parents love it then she shouldn’t get involved.


  • There’s is no point in saying anything the baby is named and it will grow on you.


  • If it’s not your baby then you have no say!


  • I wouldn’t be posting on social media if I had a problem


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