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A mum who allowed her 15-year-old son to get a large tattoo for his birthday has been slammed online for allowing the teen to have his entire forearm covered in her name.

Liya Beeya posted a series of images to social media, revealing her son AJ wanted a tattoo for his 15th birthday. The mum-of-two revealed the conversation she had with her son, that led to the decision:

She explained she asked her teenager, AJ, “Son…..What You Want For Your Birthday?”

He replied that he wanted a tattoo.

Me -What U Want It To Say?
Aj-Yo Name Ma
Me -Letsss Go
Anything For You BABYBOY.”

She then uploaded a series of photos with AJ proudly showing off his tattoo of his mum’s name, Ahlia. The post eventually went viral, attracting hundreds of comments.

Many were supportive of the tattoo, saying they were around the same age when they got their first tatt. While others were furious that a mum would allow her 15-year-old to get a tattoo.

“Some of y’all mums try to play the friend card too much to y’all children and allow them to grow up too fast ain’t no way a 15-year-old child should be focused on a tattoo that he/she may later regret.”

“Y’all let boys do anything. It’s no way I’m letting my kid get a tattoo.”

15 year old tattoo

15 year old tattoo

15 year old tattoo

In the US, there are laws prohibiting getting a tattoo under the age of 18, but each state also has its own legal restrictions.

In Australia, the laws around teens and tattoos vary from state to state. According to Raising Children:

In Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland, it’s a criminal offence for a tattooist to do tattoos for someone under 18 years.

In the Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales, teenagers under 18 years need to get their parents’ permission for tattoos. As a parent, you must give your permission either in person or in writing, and you have to say what type of tattoo you agree to and where.

In Western Australia, teenagers must be over 16 years and have their parents’ permission for tattoos. Permission must be in writing and must explain the type of tattoo you agree to and where.

In the Northern Territory, there are no specific rules about getting a tattoo. In practice tattooists have their own industry standards, and teenagers are often asked to get their parents’ permission for tattoos.

What age were you when you got your first tattoo? Let us know in the comments below. 

  • I still don’t have any tattoos ???? not because I never wanted one but just because I could never decide what to get or where. If I get one I want it to have meaning and I want to know that I’m always going to love it because they aren’t easy to remove.


  • That is just super cringe. I think he may end up regretting this and his mother is very irresponsible to allow it.


  • I think this is super irresponsible for a mother to do! He can do what he wants when he’s 18 and out of her house, but until then, no way!


  • He loves his mum and that is sweet, but it’s the question if he still likes such large tattoo with his mums name on his arm in a couple of years.
    No doubt mum felt honoured, but she could have guided him in a different direction. There are other ways to express love


  • That’s way to young to be getting a Tattoo. My dad was a Tattooist when I was little and he said that he never wanted me to get a tattoo ever and I never have. I see and hear of so many people regret their tattoos when they are older. Seems to be vanity on the mums behalf here that lead to her saying yes.


  • My husband and I were the ones to decide to get our son a tattoo at 15. He has Type 1 diabetes and we wanted everyone including medical facilities to know this when he was out and about even without us. He kept loosing his diabetes bracelet, necklace, dog tags etc. We chose to do something that couldn’t be lost!


  • Jesus what a massive tattoo, hope they never have a falling out


  • My kids love me, they tell me all the time. And while I wouldn’t stop them from getting a tattoo, even at 15, I would discourage them from getting my name.
    I took my 17 year old to get one for her birthday, we had to travel to Canberra because our local tattooist wouldn’t do anyone under 18 even with parental permission.
    I don’t police my kids bodies. From the second they were old and coordinated enough to dress themselves, they have complete autonomy. If they want to do something outlandish, we talk through it and most of the time, they decide against it. But clothing, hair, piercings and tattoos are all their choice. If they can pay for it, I’ll sign for it.


  • If you think your child can make a big decision like that, go ahead, they’re the ones that have to live with it. This kid did OK, his mum will always be his mum, unlike partners, bands and trends.


  • No doubt it will be a regret years later for that child


  • Way too young to make that type of decision. A small tattoo maybe yes, but his whole fore arm?


  • Look, I’m all for tattoos as I’m covered with them but God dam, 15 is still a child. If ya gunna make that descion make sure ya do it decently. That’s gunna look like a huge black swab of ink by the time he’s 20.


  • It’s not something my boys ever wanted. To get a tattoo so big, he must really love his Mum and that’s a wonderful thing.


  • Each to their own…

    I am currently going through tattoo removal for three stars on my foot. I have had over 10 treatments ($50 per session) and it’s no where near gone. It’s the most painful thing ever. So I do not promote tattoos when you are young. The regret is real!


  • Well, its not something he will regret. I got my first tattoo at 19, but I remember in highschool a few girls had tattoos at 13!!! This was back in 2002.

    This boy loves his mum and always will. Their choice not yours.


  • Oh no, he looks a lot younger than 15. I don’t have a tattoo, never will either. I just can’t think of a single thing I want permanently etched on my skin


  • He looks so young and the tattoo is way too large in my opinion.


  • Gosh, wonder how quickly he’ll regret that. That’s not a small further tattoo….and a major undo if he changes his mind.


  • He is a little too young but at least he had his mums approval and her name on his arm hahaha


  • Aww he loves him mama a lot!!!
    I think if the parents are okay with it, it’s okay. Obviously it’s the child’s body so either way they will go out and do it anyway…


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