

Have you ever found yourself rocking back and forth with the shopping trolley, settling the baby, only to remember the baby is actually at home with Grandma, and not in the trolley at all? Welcome to newborn life.

The early days of having a baby, in that sleep-deprived fog, are an interesting time of life. Things happen. Things like putting the keys in the fridge, clothes in the dishwasher, and putting dinner in the oven and simply forgetting about it until that sweet smell of burned food fills the house. If you’ve done anything in that newborn fog that has you asking, “But why?” then you are not alone.


How can you tell us you have a newborn, without actually telling us? Seeing a person swaying back and forth with their shopping trolley is a dead giveaway that they’ve got kids. “I caught myself pushing my shopping trolley back and forth while standing in line on a solo trip to the store,” one mum shared on a reddit thread, talking about funny things people do in the newborn fog. “My husband did that the other day and the cashier commented that he must be a father,” another mum shared.

Even in the middle of the night, mums maintain safety first. This mum shared her hilarious newborn moment, “My cat was sleeping next to me, and I had to get out of bed in the middle of the night. Half asleep, I gently lifted my cat off the bed to move him, while making sure to support his head and neck.”

Have you ever tried to have a conversation, and then had to stop mid-way because you can’t for the life of you remember what you were saying? Sometimes talking is so hard. “Sometimes I stop mid sentence because I forgot the next word.” We’ve all been there right?

Life definitely changes with a baby. Late night are a thing of the past for many, including this mum, “Someone asked us over for dinner at 6 and I said that was too late.” That’s practically bedtime for many of us.

Self-care also takes a side-step in the early days/weeks/months/years/decades of parenting, “Only one of my legs is shaved, that’s all the time I had before the baby started crying in her crib.”

Tell us! What funny things did you do in those early newborn days?

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  • Haha yes! I would sometimes be holding something and swaying or rocking to try soothe it.


  • I don’t remember funny things I did, because I think I lost part of my mind (and memory) with each child.


  • Being confused if I had dinner today or not .


  • I remember I dress up my pillow with my clothes I worn when I get up from the bed.


  • I can still be seen in the supermarket rocking the trolley like I’m trying to comfort my son – except my youngest is now 38.


  • I’ve put our dishwasher on with no detergent before.
    I used to wake up in the middle of the night telling my husband I’ve fallen asleep with the baby and he’d be so confused because he had the baby with him and had put her in the cot (turns out thus is pretty common with new mums!)


  • Putting things in the fridge that shouldn’t have been in there !!!!

    • Oh yes, me too ! But these things still happen generally when I’m very busy and tired…


  • While on maternity leave I did a whole load of washing with no powder in. Later when returning to work I tried to unlock our PO box with my car beeper and for a second was confused as to why it wasn’t working!


  • Oh yes doesn’t this bring back the memories.


  • Sooo funny! How about your shirt up and bra down. Because you are too sleepy and you forgot about it? Then opening your door and going out to get mail? Hahhaa


  • Omg im very nervous to go back to the new born stage as my third baby is coming in 5 months.


  • Aw these examples are so funny ! Things like putting the car keys in the fridge I still do when I’m busy !


  • I remember the rocking, just standing on the spot rocking like I was holding a baby but I wasn’t


  • Glad I wasn’t alone. Thanks for sharing everyone


  • Crying because I couldn’t go for a walk down the road. God I remember that first month or 2 I just wanted to get out of the house so badly!!! Bub hated the pram first 2 months of his life and would scream and I just couldn’t go anywhere. After 2 months he was fine.

    • I’m struggling with a prolonged period of coccooning with my baby. Just as we got past the 2 month mark and he had his needles we went into lockdown. I feel like crying most days


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