
22 Comment

Mum shamed online after asking for advice on how to store her toddler’s snacks in the pantry.

Carlie, who posted the photograph to a Facebook group, asked what the best way was to store snacks for her son and husband.

But instead of receiving advice she was shamed over her food choices.

pantyr pic

Comments included:

– “In todays day and age with so many overweight and unhealthy kids, it’s not good to see so much junk being fed to them,” one person posted in response to the photo.

-“If people don’t want negative comments, don’t post this stuff.”

-“Eating healthy is actually so much cheaper and really not that hard,” another added. “Especially just for simple snacks. I used to be 103kg because of the sh*t in this photo and my lack of my parents teaching me and buying the right foods.

-“If she’s too busy to feed a 3-year-old a banana instead of letting him help himself to a pack of chips then maybe she shouldn’t have a 3-year-old.”

Speaking to news.com.au, Carlie said she was “super surprised” by the reaction to her photo, especially considering she was simply asking for storage advice.

“I wasn’t too offended, everyone is entitled to their opinion,” she said.

“It was a snap shot into my son’s and the rest of my household’s snacks. They didn’t see inside my fridge, my fruit bowl and freezer.”

“Some mothers just have very strong opinions and that’s fine for their household, but every family is different. “They may not agree with what I do and that’s fine, but mothers should build each other up not rip into each other.

“But that’s the world we live in unfortunately.”

When will the mum shaming end? 

Share your comments below.

  • Ah yes….all those perfect Mums out there ….wouldnt it be great if their Mothers had brought them not to bag others.


  • My pantry looks like this from time to time. And if I shared a snapshot of it now it most def would. But it doesn’t give the slightest indication that my kids eat a fruit salad every day, a salad wrap and healthy brekky and dinners. It’s all about balance and moderation. I’m wondering if some of the negative comments were just because she said she wants her 2 year old to be able to help himself instead, alluding to there not being any supervision or control


  • There is in fact some good snacks for children with some medical problems.
    For those with Coelic Disease or other grain intolerance Original Popcorn is a good choice. Some with that problem are also allergic to milk products and the amount of fructose in some fruit. For children living in some areas the only options for fruit are those which come in cans or jars.
    Some babies/toddlers/older children cannot digest some fruit without side effects. The article mentions bananas. I know of children who get severe stomach upsets from bananas. Drs. have told the parents to stop giving it to them completely.


  • Wow, judgey much! My pantry probably looks similar to this one but it doesn’t mean that we just sit around eating junk all day. I run 10 km 3 days a week and 5 km once a week, plus family walks and I always ensure that my kids have something healthy to accompany ‘treat foods’. People need to remember that occasionally is not bad and I like to stock up my pantry for a few weeks by buying a variety of different snacks.


  • Seriously, some people need to get a life – and mind their own business! I would suggest getting some cheap containers etc that you can pick up at the discounts stores or Kmart.


  • I’m not interested enough to look at everything in the photo. Simply, I looked at the overall picture and thought open containers (just lay the lids underneath the containers) to put different items in. We have one for muesli bars that my son can just reach into and I refresh it when it gets low. I had a pantry that sometimes looked like this, but now it’s a bit more organised to make it easier for the family. My son is a fit, healthy, lean, 17 year old who eats not only from the pantry, but also the fridge, the fruit bowl, etc. Who would have thought?


  • If you have somewhere to put a storage box that is handy but at the same time easy to get to then I’d put some into the cupboard and the rest in the box. That way you could just keep topping up the cupboard. Couldn’t quite tell if these were small individual packs.


  • Goodness! A pantry is only one area for food! There is a fridge and fruit bowls! I wonder if anyone bothered to give storage advice or just were more concerned about shaming!


  • Personally I’d be using a pull out crate to store the chips in so they don’t overflow onto the good stuff I noticed hiding in the pantry too. There’s nothing wrong with what she has in her pantry provided the things are eaten in moderation, and if everyone has full tummies from her good cooking and the fruit bowl, then they will eat less of the junk food.


  • I’d probably say she shouldn’t ket her son help himself; monitor how much junk he’s having by making him ask. Otherwise, ths might not be ideal but who really has time for ideal for every snack?


  • I think this is in the category of, “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all”
    As a child, I would have loved food like this in the pantry. My Mum couldn’t afford much when I was growing up, food vouchers were common, so I didn’t have this or healthy options really. At least her child is getting fed and there are some non junk options there.
    Hope she can sort out her storage options. I have a decent sized pantry and lots of base ingredient foods, I wish I had the $$ to put it into appropriate storage.


  • Absolutely nothing wrong with her cupboard, everyone is entitled to there own choice of foods. We shouldn’t be in a society where people continue to be negative soon it turns into bullying everyone has there own freedom Of choice.


  • Unfortunately the Mum shaming won’t ever end, because some people out there think they’re better than others and therefore entitled to give unwanted opinions…..

    • It does seem to be on the rise and it is quite sad! 🙁


  • I think the snack choices shown are quite good. If i shared my snack draw, then the comments would be justified because it IS all unhealthy and bad for my children. I know it is and I always push for them to make good choices and encourage a healthy snack. Like the mother said, its not a reflection of her families entire food source, nor her parenting


  • The only thing I had an issue with is that she lets her 3 year old help themselves. I would store them in the Tupperware like kmart containers with lids. Leave the fruit in a bowl on the bench or kitchen table and let them help themselves to that first. If they want something from the container, get it down and let them choose from it.

    I don’t see anything wrong with what’s in the photo either


  • We buy in bulk TOO,it,s the only way we could afford our snacks and our three kids aren’t over weight,These non helpful mothers probably wear active wear to drop and pick the kids up and off from school,We use a big bread container to store ours in,Easy access for when the kids would like to sit in the cupboard and put on forty kilos,Cheers Glenn.


  • My lord her pantry isn’t even that bad. Like all us mums buy a few too many chips when they are on special to save money. After all we know our family is going to eat them eventually. We don’t all give our kids multiple packets a day… I feel for this mum and I’m glad she didn’t take it to heart. She needs to join a Kmart hack website where she would have got some awesome advice and a lesson in Mummy tetris.


  • Strange she gets replies about her food choices instead of storage advice indeed ! It”s sad that people feel they need to judge so badly.


  • It’s a pity every one jumped on her choices. My mum always said. “If you haven’t got anything nice to say.. don’t say anything at all “


  • Every parent has the right to do what they want for their own children and families in this respect. A photo is just 1 snap shot of what they would be eating. I think if this was a post regarding storage ideas the people responding should be the ones ashamed, not this mum. It is obvious they mustn’t be able to read because they responded with answers about food choices instead of great ideas about how she could store these foods. They obviously read with their eyes. If she wanted advice about what to feed her family then that is what she would have asked.


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