
A mum-of-three has set tongues wagging after revealing the times her small children wake each day – saying she never takes their sleeping habits for granted.

Mare Miller shared a video of her three kids, aged two, five and six, coming out from their bedrooms, along with the time they woke up.

The first little one out of bed playfully waves to the camera, as he strolls out of his room at 11.37am. His brother follows not long after at 11.52. And their sleepyhead sister happily gets out bed at 12.12pm.

Mare captioned the video: “Believe me, I will never take for granted the fact that my kids have always been incredible sleepers, because I may be the most well rested mum of three on the planet.

“Having some time for myself in the morning (without having to wake up at 6am to do it) makes me a much better, more patient, and more present mum.”

Mare points out that her kids go to bed between 8.30pm and 9pm during the summer holidays, and at 8am during the school year. 

Her Instagram post was met with thousands of comments, many saying the children are sleeping too much. 

“What about eating breakfast? When do they eat their meals?”

“They are missing a lot of their day.”

“By that time, my son has played two hours of tennis and gone to three classes. My kids aren’t sleeping in, they’re making something of themselves in life.”

“Are they deficient in something? Sleeping more than 12hrs something is up.”

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A post shared by Mare (@mare_elizabeth23)

But others said this amount of sleep can be normal for young children.

“I have three boys they have always slept in like this. They’re teens now, advanced educated, athletes, perfect health. Works well for them.”

While other said they simply didn’t believe that the children slept this long.

“My favourite part is the part when you told them to go back in their rooms and come out pretending they just woke up and you just “happened” to catch it on camera.”

What do you think? Do your young children sleep in? Let us know in the comments below. 

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  • If that’s what works for them, then good luck. My teens on school holidays creep out of their rooms about that time unless they have work to do.


  • It’s hard to believe this would be an everyday thing if they’re really going to bed at those times.


  • My children never slept in as little ones and still don’t to my knowledge. They were lucky to get a solid 8-hour sleep. I did find that my sleepy headed grandchildren were actually on their phones until early morning and that was why they couldn’t get up at a normal time to get to school.


  • That’s incredible. Clearly not school-aged yet so she will obviously need to adjust things for the eldest when this stage comes.

    • You would think the 5 and 6 year old are attending school, but maybe she’s home schooling ?


  • Wow that is a long sleep – not sure how this mum will go with school hours etc or when she has a deadline to meet. I don’t think i could allow my child to sleep like that, it is important for kids to have some sort of schedule.


  • oh wow at least there are sleeping but to get up that time is a big no no for me


  • In all honesty they are quite young- at that age my kids were still napping, so obviously they just wouldn’t be getting a nap. They’re sleeping in instead. If that’s what works for them, what’s the problem? They’ll obviously change when they’re all in school full time.


  • How do the elder two go getting up for school when it’s not the holidays?


  • Some kids may do well with this routine, others may need more structure


  • While I don’t agree with this being healthy…it’s the holidays so routines are generally out.
    Then there’s another mum that’s commented “by this time of day my son has gone to tennis and 3 classes”
    If it’s holidays and your pushing your child like that, that’s not a flex either. Just because we are conditioned to allllways be busy otherwise we feel lazy, our children don’t need to be conditioned that that lifestyle.


  • It must be chaos when they have to get up and get moving for school or outings. I’d be teaching them to wake at a reasonable hour.


  • Sounds like a school holiday sleeping pattern when routines are more relaxed.

    • Yes and a more relaxed routine during the holidays are fine !

      • I imagine there is a different routine during school times.

      • Yes, you would think so, unless she’s home schooling


  • So they wake up pretty much at midday ! Wonder how many hours of sleep they now actually get

    • I find this sentence a bit confusing:
      “Mare points out that her kids go to bed between 8.30pm and 9pm during the summer holidays, and at 8am during the school year”
      To bed at 8 am ?!!


  • Unhealthy sleeping patterns is my opinion. She needs to speak to a sleep consultant to discuss behavioural changes.


  • Is it their summer holidays perhaps & she’s letting them stay up as late as they want?


  • They must be up till 11pm or midnight


  • So do they not go to school or daycare that they can sleep up until these times?


  • I could believe this for occasionally, but it seems unlikely they’d be doing this every day.


  • Okay that last comment is hilarious. That’s probably what happened, unless she was camped out in the hallway haha
    With top teeth coming through I’ll be lucky to make it past 5am currently, so good on anyone who can almost get to the afternoon.


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