
A mum of two has divided opinions after she revealed she and her husband had a ‘weaning party’ for their daughter, after three years of breastfeeding.

Content creator Julie Michele Kahut shared a video of her daughter’s last breastfeeding session, and then a special ‘weaning party’ the family organised to say farewell to nursing.

“I weaned Abby back in January and it went so much better than I expected,” Julie explained. “She went from being obsessed with breastfeeding to being weaned in one day.

“It took a week of explaining and a family party celebrating her becoming a big girl. Now if only I can get my kids to fall asleep without having to be in the room.”

@juliemichelekahut Found this in my drafts and thought I’d share. I weaned Abby back in January and it went so much better than I expected. She went from being obsessed with breast-feeding to being weaned in one day.???? It took a week of explaining and a family party celebrating her becoming a big girl. ???????? Now if only I can get my kids to fall asleep without having to be in the room. ???? #momlife #toddlers #breastfeedingmom #weaning #marriedlife #familytime #marriedlife ♬ original sound – Julie_Mom_Reels

The video attracted an influx of opinions, with many saying a three-year-old shouldn’t be breastfeeding.

“Anything past 12 months is simply for mum’s benefit,” one person commented.

“And now you need to spend three years with a licensed psychologist,” said another.

“You won’t listen because you’re in denial, but it was time 2 years ago to spend time with a therapist,” the comments continued.

“Anything after 2 years old is just weird…… if she can eat a cheeseburger she doesn’t need to nurse.”

However, there were also lots of parents who said they also continued breastfeeding their children beyond the first 12 months.

“Good for you, I did for three years and my son is so healthy!”

“Breastfed until my son was 6. It was wonderful!!”

“Nothing better than to see kids who are loved & cared for. On to the next stage of life.”

The World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding for six months, then continued breastfeeding combined with solid food for two years, or as long as mum and bub want.

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  • It’s up to the Mother if she is willing to keep breastfeeding it’s no-one else’s business. I think this was an ingenious way to get her daughter to stop and it worked. There’s no harm done.


  • The nappies are great although the tabs could a more sticky or larger. I’ve recently come across the wipes and have been converted.


  • Just let them me on their unique journey. Why the strong opinions.


  • Has no one even read the article? It wasn’t about the party, it was to tell her to stop now in a way she understood.


  • It seems frivolous, but it might be a good idea for my son…


  • Im sorry but this is way over the top, is it celebrating that the child weaned (big deal) or the parent now has freedom, unless we stop with all this child is the centre of the universe mentality we will never have children that grow into confident and self aware adults that can deal with lifes ups and downs.


  • Good on them, If they feel loved and have a healthy and secure environment for their children then that should be celebrated.


  • What a milestone for that family that they can celebrate if they wish. I don’t see why other people need to comment on what others do.
    Sincerely – a mother who has only bottle fed.


  • I stopped breastfeeding at 9 months because my bub wasn’t interested. I can’t see myself doing it for 3 years so hats off to that mum. The party part is just an excuse to celebrate, everyone is entitled to do what they please.


  • I see nothing wrong with celebrating milestones. And breastfeeding for that long would have made me crazy, but I don’t see why we should criticise her if it worked for her.


  • Weaning only in America
    Here in Australia we breast feed and we don’t have crazy party’s like that here
    Thank god we have a different level here


  • It’s such a big milestone for both child and mum! I was emotional with my second knowing she would be the last, so i get it


  • Any excuse to party. Not something I would do to be honest, but whatever floats your boat I guess.


  • The thing with opinions is they’re not actual facts. And often ill informed. All recommendations are to breastfeed if you can until two. There is zero harm doing it for longer, what a lovely bond.


  • Parties for everything nowadays.


  • Each to their own I guess. Not something I would do but everyone has the right to celebrate how they want

    • I agree; if it brings them joy; it seems harmless.


  • Not something I would do; but everyone is different and if they want to celebrate; so be it.


  • I see no problem with that and believe that breastfeeding past 12 months has in fact many benefits


  • People are bored and hateful, unfortunately you can’t avoid it. But next Mumma needs to be thrown a party, 3 years of bf’ing is a huge fete!!

    • 3 years of breastfeeding is a great achievement indeed


  • I actually think this is a great idea. Weaning can be a difficult process especially when they’re a bit older so anything that makes it easier has to be a good thing.


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