

A confused mum, who unintentionally discovered her young son thinks he’s trans, says she’s not sure how to deal with the situation.

She took to an online forum for advice, saying she doesn’t want any hate, just advice on how to approach the situation. It all unfolded when she stumbled upon her son’s social media account.

“Yesterday I found out that my 10-year-old son has TikTok. I went through all of his videos, lots of homemade stop motion dinosaur videos, him being silly with his boy mates, typical 10-year-old boy videos.”

But the mum says she saw something else that stopped her in her tracks.

“Then I see two videos that say he is trans and he wants to be a girl. I am totally confused and just in shock.”

She says her son has never given any indication that he felt as though he’s trans and is a ‘typical lad’.

“He loves everything that you would expect a young boy to love and always has.”

So she decided to talk to him about what she’d discovered.

“I called him upstairs and said I had seen his TikTok and he burst into tears and ran and locked himself in the bathroom. I just sat and waited in his room till he was ready. I asked him if he knew what videos I had looked at and wanted to talk about and he said yes then hid under the covers.

“I said to we need to talk about it, asked how he felt and why, how long and who knows. He said he has felt like it for a long time, but never said because he doesn’t want to upset me and his dad’s (real dad and step-dad). He said he knew he could talk to me but his dad’s would be angry.”

What the mum also discovered was that she’s one of the last to know that her son feels this way.

“He also said most of his class at school knows as he told a couple of people who then told everyone else. I have never heard of a rumour of this though. He always has girlfriends (even though I think it’s too young)

“I just don’t get it. I don’t know if it’s just because he is online and seen things, he has always been very easily led.

“The only thing typically fem that I have seen is he has asked to have his nails painted and absolutely nothing else.”

She’s now completely lost, and is looking for advice on how to navigate the situation with her son.

“How do I deal with this? Do I leave it alone and see what happens? I truly don’t think he feels this way.
I said to him what he is saying he feels is very extreme, I asked him if he wanted to have his bits off and made into a vagina and want breasts and he said he didn’t want to talk about that now.

“I don’t think he knows fully what it entails. I feel really bad writing that part but it wasn’t said in a horrible way just trying to understand his thought process. Help.”

What advice do you have for this mum? Share it in the comments below. 

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  • I would firstly say this Mum should probably reassess a 10 year old having unsupervised access to TikTok. I believe you have to be older to have an account. In regards to the main issue, I would reach out to the school guidance councilor or a child psychologist. Much to the apparent surprise to some, there are kids who know they are different from a young age. I would want to be the kid of parent who is supportive. This child didn’t come to the parent themselves, so you need to show them they can trust you. Maybe it is a phase, but maybe it isn’t.


  • This is unfortunately the society we live in today. The whole gender thing is a huge issue now and it’s being rammed down everyone’s throats and unfortunately younger children too who aren’t mature enough yet to comprehend everything. They are starting sex ed as young as grade 3 also which is way too young.
    I think that it could be a phase that he is going through as I can’t fathom a 10 year old fully understanding what trans means. I think that if you are still feeling really concerned, it might be a good idea to get him in to see a child psychologist.


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