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A fur-mum who has a dog with a rather unique name, has been asked by her sister-in-law to change her pooch’s moniker, so she can use it for her baby.

Understandably, it’s caused a tense situation in the family!

“My dog’s name is Zahava, which is basically the Hebrew feminine form for the word for gold/gilded. I’ve had her for six years,” she explained.

“My SIL is pregnant with a girl and now apparently wants to use the name in honour of her grandmother (who also had a Z name). However she let my husband know that she was ‘uncomfortable’ having her daughter share the same name as a dog. And then asked if we wouldn’t mind changing our dog’s name. To which we said absolutely not. She knows her name, her recall is trained to her name, we like her name.”

The expecting mum is putting her foot down over the rare name, saying the dog will get over it.

“So now she’s freaking out and saying that it doesn’t matter, it’s a dog not a person, she won’t know the difference (she will), it will be ’embarrassing’ for her daughter to share a name with an animal. I told her that if she’s that worried about it she could pick a different name and now she’s pissed.

“Am I (and my husband) the a**holes?”

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Is it ok to take a dog’s name for a baby?

  • Oh goodness. She needs to get over herself. She either names the baby after your dog or she picks another name. She needs to grow up and understand that the World will not jump and make everything about her and she cant have everything in life all about her. Start adulting


  • This is ridiculous. There are so many more names.


  • Many dogs share the same name as humans and no one is telling the owners to change their names.


  • Seems like she is just stirring a fight.


  • That is actually quite hilarious. I would definitely not change my dogs name.


  • Oh dear. Someone’s a bit precious thinking they can just ask for someone to do that! Gosh. You guys are definitely not in the wrong one little bit


  • Why should you change the dogs name? IF she is so intent on naming the baby the same name as the dog, she will have to get used a lot of “the baby or the dog”? comments…
    She could always pick another name?


  • I must admit the name is super cute and is not heard of a lot


  • That’s a bit funny wanting someone to change the name of their dog because you want to use the dogs name for your baby’s name but don’t want them to both have the same name. People make me laugh.


  • Not at all. The audacity of her to think she can expect you to change your dogs name for her, is selfish


  • It’s comical that she wants to name her daughter after your dog. She sounds like a spoilt child who wants everything her way. Do not change your dogs name. She needs to think of a new name for her daughter. You and your husband are doing the right thing so stick to your guns. It would make a good story when their daughter turns 18 and finds out her mother wanted to name her after a dog.


  • Oh that is funny, you can’t just change a dogs name after 6 years. I’d be sticking to my guns and letting her think of a different name for the unborn child or have the same name as the dog and deal with it.


  • Firstly what a beautiful name for your fur baby, I don’t think you guys are a**holes, she is the one that is a a**hole of course you can’t change your fur baby’s name, I have a fur baby myself and if I changed his name he would be really confused, and of course they are part of our family.. Don’t take any notice of her, she’s being ridiculous and childish. don’t listen to her and love your beautiful fur baby.


  • OMG, there is something seriously wrong with your SIL. This sounds like a joke if it wasn’t so real. Your dog is a member of your family and has a beautiful and unusual name that has meaning to you. She would never have even known of the name if not for your dog. She has to get over herself. I thought she just wanted the same name for her child, so can’t believe she has even asked for you to change your dog’s name. Just ludicrous.


  • There is something wrong with your SIL if she thinks you and your husband would even consider changing your dogs name. Your dog is a part of your family and knows her name. How about your SIL using the name as her little girl’s middle name!


  • Definitely no A-holes. I was face palming when I read your SIL had a decency to ask to change your dog’s name. First off, you had the dog for a long time and secondly, your dog answers to that name. Your SIL can just lump it and accept that if she wants that name, has to share it with a pet… If not, bad luck, choose another name.


  • Lol ! Of course sister in law can name her girl what ever she wants, but her question to change you dog’s name -which you already have for 6yrs- is out of line


  • How ridiculous! She clearly got the idea from the dog’s name in the first place! What about Zoe? Much nicer name.


  • Whatever name she picks someone will have a dog with that name somewhere. A ridiculous request.

    • I think it’s a ridiculous request indeed !


  • It would be a firm no and the request is unreasonable.

    • No one can make you change a name. Multiple people and animals have the same names. It really does not matter.


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