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A first-time-dad says he’s trying to come to terms with the fact his wife doesn’t want him to be at the birth of their son.

The 28-year-old dad-to-be has been with his wife Emily, 26, for seven years, and married for two. The couple has always talked about having children, and he says he’s always wanted to be at their birth.

“When my dad was still alive, he used to tell me and my siblings all the time about how it literally brought him to tears (NOT a man who cries by the way), and he would say he was so grateful for all of us and for the experience,” he explain on reddit.

“My beautiful and amazing wife is eight months pregnant. It’s been a pretty difficult pregnancy for her, well for us, but especially to her. She’s had a few miscarriages in the past, and I’ve just been praying to God for both of them to make it through safely.

“We were talking more and more about what’s going to happen when she goes into labor, and she’s very adamant that I not be in the room, natural or c-section, no matter what. I’ve tried convincing, pleading, begging, but she won’t change her mind.

“Her mum is going to be with her, and I understand that she needs her mum, and that she needs to do whatever to make sure that everything goes smoothly. I don’t wanna stress her out too much because I keep telling myself all that matters is that they’re both healthy, but I’m honestly really sad about not being able to be there for my son’s birth.”

The upset expecting dad says while he’s trying to be understanding, the situation is breaking him. And his wife is demanding he suck it up.

“It’s not about me. I know that. All that matters is that they’re both healthy. I’ve been trying to come to terms and understand this on my own time, so as not to bother her, but Emily’s just being so condescending to me, and I know that she’s just stressed out and scared, so she doesn’t mean it, but I feel like I deserve to process this at least for a few days.

“I still do everything as I’ve done before, but she says that now I have this ‘beaten puppy dog’ look on my face, and it’s ‘pissing her off’. Then, she started scolding me asking me why it mattered so much to me, and if I was going to act this weak in front of our son. She told me I needed to just be a f***ing man and ‘get the f**k over it’.

“I feel like crying, but I don’t want her to know, and get mad at me again, so I told her I was going out to get groceries, and am writing this in the car to try and calm myself down. I love her so much, but what she said really hit me hard. I just want them both to be healthy and safe, but I also wanted to be there.”

What do you think this dad-to-be should do? Let us know in the comments below.

  • For me my husband was the one and only person I wanted to be there with the birth of my kids


  • I feel bad for this guy, he clearly wants to be involved in one of the best moments of his life but his wife is stopping him. It doesn’t make a lot of sense. It does feel like there’s something missing here.


  • Wow, I feel like there is definitely information missing. As mentioned in previous comments is bub even his or? Like just why?
    No one has a perfect relationship and there are so many highs and lows of pregnancy on an emotional level but the big day when that little bundle is ready to come out into this crazy world is meant to be one of the happiest moments of your life let alone of your relationship if it’s a solid healthy one. I just feel like there’s missing info.. it’s doesn’t make sense to me


  • Is Emily actually giving birth to her husband biological son or is it someone’s elses
    Is Emily belittling her husband cos she wants out of the marriage


  • It sounds like there’s information missing. Why would the wife not want her husband in the room for the happiest moment of her life.


  • Is there a reason why his wife doesn’t want him there? I’m finding this a little hard to understand.


  • I can’t understand why she doesn’t want her husband, the father of the her child there? I understand wanting her mum there also, you can have more than one support person there (unless COVID restrictions prevent it).


  • Oh wow, pregnant or not, she is being so terrible to her husband. And the comments she made are just cruel and nasty. I’m shocked really at why she wouldn’t want him there. She doesn’t seem to have explained that. I’m so sorry for him, but I don’t know what he can do without feeling guilt that he might cause any upset or situation with the birth.


  • She is lucky to have this man! Why.on earth would she want to deprive him of such a precious moment?? I remember not wanting my.mum in the room cz she gets too stressed and that wpuld be stressful for.me too but i wanted hubby to be there irrespectove of whether he wanted to or not cz cmon! You are both in this together and its his child as much as yours. I hope she changes her mind and allows him


  • Oh man, she doesn’t deserve you. What is her problem? You are the father of the child she is carrying. It isn’t just about her and the baby, and you should have preference over her mother and be at the birth, not treated like an outsider.

    I feel for you and you don’t deserve to be treated like that. Don’t let her speak to you like that. You have every right to be present at the birth of your son. Shame on her for speaking to you that way and treating you in such a disgusting manner.

    I hope when your son is born you will get enormous amounts of opportunity and time to hold him and shed your love on him. Keep looking up. You deserve to be treated better and with respect. Without you, there would be no son on the way. My prayers are with you and I wish you all the best.


  • I’m struggling to understand how people get themselves in these battles. Neither is willing to see the other person’s point of view and neither is willing to back down.


  • This seems a bit strange to me and not fair on the dad at all. I wonder if she will change her mind when the birth process starts. I hope so for the dads sake.


  • I can imagine this is very hurtful ! It’s not only her child and to push him away like this and deny for him to be there at birth is frankly wrong in my opinion

    • To be honest, it doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship to me


  • There’s pregnancy hormones and the there’s just plain rude. You don’t speak to so.eone you love like that. I feel for this guy


  • I think the Dad is being more than reasonable. Has his wife explained why she doesn’t want him there?


  • Seems very off to me. Its like she doesn’t respect him at all. Her reaction is to basically tell him he’s over reacting. Doesn’t look good for the future of this marriage. Feel sorry for him and the baby. Very controlling behaviour on her part.


  • I really don’t think she deserves to have a wonderful husband like you. Maybe try speaking to her Mum if you get along with her. If you can’t be at the birth of your son does that mean you’re also not going to have any say in his life as he’s growing up. I hope you can get everything sorted so you can both enjoy the birth of your son.


  • wow. So many woman out there would love to have a wonderfully supportive partner like this. I dont know what Emily’s issue is but there is no way she should be calling her man weak and telling him to be a man because he is upset at not being able to be at the birth of his child. Sadly she sounds like someone who is going to beat this man down over time and thats just not how love works. I think she need to think about how she treats people.


  • An incredibly sad situation. Never heard of this scenario before.


  • That’s a sad story. He should just be there and that’s that.


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