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If you are a coco pop lover then you are going to be excited to hear this news! A new flavour will be on the shelves very soon.

Kellogg’s are launching a white chocolate coco pop version with 30% less sugar than the original chocolate Coco Pops.

cocpop 2

Kellogg’s have said: “In response to our fans, and the growing desire for white chocolate varieties of popular foods, we wanted to see if it was possible to create a white chocolate Coco Pops that tastes as good as the original.

“Our food developers have succeeded and for the first time in the cereal’s 59 year history a white chocolate version will hit the shops.”

Sadly the new range is only available in the UK at the moment. However there are plans to launch the products on our Australian shelves in the very near future.

Are you a coco pops fan?

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  • My husband got very excited until I told him it was at present only in the UK!


  • Oh dear it sounds like marketing a sugary breakfast cereal to our kids.


  • Not interested, too unhealthy to serve for breakfast which is an important meal of the day. To be honest, I wouldn’t even feed it to my chickens 🙂


  • Interesting news for those in the UK.


  • Uk only..


  • I’m not afan of white choc so will probs give them a miss


  • Hm. I might give it a try, but I’m not immediately convinced…


  • My youngest wouldnt eat it because it doesnt look like chocolate.


  • This will probably be delicious but isn’t it a bit too much like rice bubbles?

    • Does Rice Bubbles have chocolate in it at all? I wonder if it would reduce my daughter’s addiction to chocolate. She steals any type of chocolate regardless of the height at which we hide it. We don’t normally have white chocolate. The only ones she doesn’t steal is chocolate coated raisins or sultanas. We can’t even hide it on the top shelf above high hanging space in walk in robe. Even if we let her eat all her Easter chocolate eggs she is given she steals her sisters’ eggs too. We’ve even marked the outside wrappers – that didn’t stop her. Toddlers can’t reach the 3rd drawer up from the floor, certainly not a shelf which would be 3 metres from the floor. My “other half” has to stand on his toes to reach there.


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