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You know when you receive a wedding invitation in a stunning gift box and in very fine print at the bottom of the gorgeously elaborate card it informs the guests that under NO circumstances are they to bring along their offspring? That’s right – “No Kids Allowed!”

I know that for some, these terms and conditions of attending a wedding can be a deal breaker, especially if you don’t have anyone that you can leave your little ones with at the time. However, for me, I do a happy dance!

Sure, I love my children and like most mothers, I claim that they would all be on their best behaviour if they got to attend. But what if they weren’t? What if for some odd reason they were not the little darlings I claim them to be on the day?!

Kids Can Spoil It For Everyone

It’s sort of like when you pay to go to a restaurant or any other establishment just to relax, unwind and enjoy yourself….and then someone’s child decides at that very moment to lose their little mind and take each paying guest along for the ride.

I always question the fairness of this deal. It seems like there can be absolutely no winners in the situation at all. On one hand, you have paying adults who are attending a venue to enjoy themselves, relax and have a good time without causing any disruption to other patrons. Then on the other hand you have paying adults who have chosen to bring their kids, who also want to have a good time but are powerless when it comes to their children bringing the house down. It’s a raw deal for all involved really.

Memorable For All The Wrong Reasons

Similarly, when you attend a wedding, even if a child doesn’t cause a distraction during the speeches, they could very well create a drama for other guests and completely ruin their experience. And instead of the wedding being memorable for all the right reasons, it’s instead remembered for the way someone’s little rugrat shot cake through their straw at wedding guests as though they were a little sniper.

No Kids Allowed In Maternity Wards

You can only imagine my excitement when I read the words: “Unfortunately, no kids allowed in the hospital”. Sure, a maternity ward is not even close to any wedding venue. But you know what? After giving birth, I love the thought of bonding with my baby, getting them to sleep – without anyone’s kids visiting their new baby brother or sister and waking my freshly popped baby who I just managed to settle to sleep.

For goodness sake, birth is an absolutely mind, body and soul blowing experience of which all new mother’s deserve a rest from. Can you just imagine the frustration of just having given birth, settled your newborn, only to have someone else’s kids screaming and waking all the babies in the ward?

It doesn’t sound very pleasant does it? In fact, after my first baby, I made the decision never to have a sibling visit their newborn brother or sister – and I stuck to it! I mean I can’t guarantee that my kids aren’t going to squeal loudly at the sight of their new baby in the hospital. I know for certain they do when we bring the baby home which means that they most probably would squeal loudly in any setting that they get to see the baby in. It’s only natural.

But…I’ll Miss Them…

Even though I can relate and understand their excitement, I must admit that the introduction of this new ‘No Kids Allowed’ rule at hospital excites me even more! The thought of a peaceful maternity ward where the only other sounds are other newborn cries is appealing to me… or maybe it just makes me feel better knowing that I won’t hear your little ones and start to miss all of mine like crazy… Yes, the way the thought makes me sigh I know that’s precisely what it is. I don’t want to miss my tribe even more than I already would be.

Do you agree with the No Kids Allowed rule in hospitals and at weddings and other events? Tell us in the comments below.

  • I agree with No kids at weddings as they have to be paid for and that can make things super costly.
    I dont agree with no kids at the hospitals. I wanted my kids to meet their new baby asap. Its important to them.


  • l think it’s fine for children to go to weddings . It’s all great when people want kids as there flower girls & page boy’s But some people use weddings as one big free piss up there the ones that don’t want kids there but that’s just my opinion


  • I think it is a fine line. Some people like the children visiting in hospitals and don’t mind other children visiting their parents. Each to their own I think. There is no right or wrong answer.


  • My daughter visited every day when I was in hospital and I loved her visiting to bond with her new baby brother


  • I’m glad my husband was allowed to visit with my daughter when my son was born !


  • I dont have any issue with a no kids allowed at weddings but at a maternity hospital? That seems abit strange.


  • To me the “no kids allowed” rule in a maternity ward strikes me as kind of odd… after all that’s a place that usually has at least one KID per mother in there! Honestly, is the baby now not allowed to stay?! Really confusing and discriminatory rule to me.
    The no kids at weddings one I do understand. It’s one that’s up to the couple in question. It does make things really hard for some guests though.
    I have attended “no kid” weddings since having kids and they’re fine when you have family or people to leave them with.

    • Yes it will be hard on some families. My friend has a T21 baby and they have been in the hospital now for over 3 month awaiting an operation. The siblings haven’t met their baby brother yet and it’s so hard on the family to endure this season.


  • No matter how well behaved a child is they will take your attention away from who you are visiting in the first place.


  • I love NO Kids Allowed to. I can have a great night out without feeling guilty.


  • I think you just have to roll with it and it really depends on the mind frame. When I had my first baby I was in a room with six beds. I was alone in that room, with my baby, for a grand total of 2 hours. I was exhausted, I had given birth through an induced labour and then had surgery for a few hours afterwards. I finally managed to pass out when a midwife woke me (just by standing at my bedside, I swear she didn’t make a sound), then I passed out again only to be awoken a very short time later by a 4-5 yr old talking in such a loud voice (around 2am) as she was there for the birth of her sibling and went along for the ride to the ward. At that point in time I was thinking kids should definitely be banned from the ward outside of visiting hours. I just gave birth to baby number 3 and when my two came (for very short visits) I was thinking damn, kids really should be banned, as mine were bouncing all over the place, they were bored. Made getting all the vital info from the lactation nurse next to impossible as they were so damn loud and arguing over the practice doll she brought in!


  • It doesn’t bother me, but I know many that it will bother.


  • I could honestly think of nothing worse than taking my kids to a wedding.. I avoid going out for meals because I never get to sit down and eat a hot or whole meal.

    I wanted my daughter to come meet my son when he was born but only one person was allowed to be there and I knew if she did come see us she would have cracked it when she had to leave without mum.


  • Its a tricky one, but over the years I’ve come to terms with no kids (especially after having my own). I get it!


  • This would be had for families.This seems they need to find option for child care.


  • Weddings and restaurants are one thing but a birth is a big time for a family, children included. I don’t understand this thought process where people are so intolerant of having kids around like they are an inconvenience. They exist, they’ve always existed and I honestly think kids misbehaving became more common when these attitudes started becoming the norm. How can we expect them to understand how to behave outside of home without giving them the chance to try? Not only that but they have the same right to exist and experience life as the rest of us, they simply aren’t as emotionally equipped to stifle those emotions in situations where an older child or adult would. I think that’s the most wonderful thing about them, that they live life feeling the moment – good and bad.
    If you’re going to be irritated at having little visitors on the maternity ward after birth I’d just pay for a private room.


  • I’m glad my daughter was first born, she was 8 weeks in hospital after birth. And what if your baby isn’t doing so well and ends up dying, how awful would that be for any sibling not to see their baby sister / brother ?
    No kids allowed at a wedding would frankly mean I wouldn’t be able to attend, but I can have peace with that


  • There is a time and place for everything and everyone – I would be happy with whatever the couple [for the wedding] would like and for the parent at their child’s birth to decide. Sometimes children shouldn’t even be seen, let alone seen but not heard!!!


  • It’s hard but ultimately their choice on whether they choose to invite kids


  • I get it and I’d love it. Great excuse for a kid-free time


  • It is the bride and grooms prerogative to have who they want at their wedding, with the cost of catering sometimes it is just a waste and some parents might like to have a night out.

    I think that siblings should be allowed to go to the hospital to see their new baby, it is a very important time.


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