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My daughter was already four when we finally got rid of nappies. But one model-mum influencer is boasting that her nine month old is just about toilet trained and her critics are not impressed.

Montana Lower certainly has a list of accolades behind her name – she’s an civil/environmental engineer, a model and an artist. But Montana is probably most Insta-famous for being the mum to baby daughter Blue, along with her partner Tom.

Montana’s Instagram feed (followed by over 177,000 fans) is flooded with adorable photos of the gorgeous mum and her cutie pie daughter. There are lots of pics showing a grinning Blue being cuddled by mum. There are also a number of photos of Montana breastfeeding her bub as well as care-free shots of a happy, nappy-free Blue.

The young influencer is passionate about a movement called the “elimination communication method”, or EC, which aims to reduce the reliance on nappies.

montana lower
Pic Via Montana Lower / Instagram

Say Goodbye To Nappies

“She hasn’t done a poo in her nappy since she was two weeks old. We go through about two nappies a day — one at night and just one in the day,” Montana told the ABC.

The EC concept is basically centred around parents responding to subtle cues from their baby that they need to do a wee or poo. When the baby looks like they need to ‘go’, the parent responds swiftly by holding them over a potty or toilet.

What kind of signs are we talking about? Well, each baby is different but some babies may go quiet or stop moving or shake his leg or arm. The parent will get to know their baby’s cue and in turn, the signs will get stronger once the parent starts responding.

Watch For The Signs

Montana said that Blue started off by making different faces, grunting or yelling when she needed the toilet and it went from there.

“At four months old she was tapping her nappy and grabbing her potty to bring it close when she wanted to go,” she said.

The influencer has seen her online community grow since she started posting about her experiences with EC.

“I’m trained as an environmental engineer; I did a lot of reading about what is better between disposable and reusable nappies and there are arguments against both, so we decided why don’t we do neither,” Montana said.

“The biggest reason why we started taking Blue to the toilet at 2 weeks old is learning that being left to sit in a soiled diaper can add to shame and disassociation with our intimate areas – especially for girls. And it makes sense!”

“Babies are so much more conscious than we have been led to believe and it is one of my biggest priorities as a mama that Blue feels confident AND empowered in her body,” Montana writes on her blog.

montana lower baby
Pic Via Montana Lower / Instagram

A Big Supporter Of EC

In her latest post, Montana shares a photo of Baby Blue lying on mum’s chest with the goofiest smile on the bub’s face and her nether regions covered by a photoshopped flower. In the post, Montana explains about a new video that she has uploaded about the EC method.

Many of her followers applauded her unconventional method of toilet-training.

“I thought cloth bamboo nappies and eco disposables was helping my boys and myself do our little part for the environment but this is remarkable. Wish I had this potty knowledge all those moons ago too,” said one.

“That truly is amazing. I had no idea babies could do that! It was clear to me from Day 1 that my daughter knew a LOT more than I had thought possible. It’s like they are born knowing everything and UNlearn it thru social conditioning” said another.


However, even her supporters were a bit concerned about the images she posts of her daughter:

“My heart hurts for your child to have these images on the internet, your grown babe might not be so chuffed that their personal toileting moments are so public ya know. Absolutely ways to share this great info without the imagery,” said one.

“I’m not a hater at all, actually I love your lifestyle and philosophy, but I’m concerned with Blue being over exposed right now,” said another.

“What happens when your baby is grown and there’s all this content of her potty training? I know it’s important to educate other parents, but what about your child’s personal privacy?” asked another concerned follower.

The Influencer Responds

Montana has responded to her critics saying:
“Tom and I thought long and hard about sharing Blue’s presence online at all. But we have tapped deep into our intuition and values and believe we all have an understanding of the power of showing this IS possible and our boundaries within that. I remember when I was learning to breastfeed, the only images/videos that helped me were real videos of real babies and nipples. If you have any suggestions of how to share this in a way that is equally as powerful we are all ears!”

The free-spirited couple and their daughter have now gone “off-grid” and have moved into a bus and are travelling around Australia.

Don’t Feel Pressured!

Research by the University of New South Wales discovered that there was little benefit in starting toilet training before 18 months of age to achieving independent toileting, as reported by the ABC.

However, the study did recognise the “obvious hygiene and empowerment benefits” claimed by EC supporters.

Do you support the no-nappy method that this mum influencer is following? Do you think this mum is ‘exploiting’ her baby? Tell us in the comments below.

  • Wow, hats off to her for being able to do this. There is no judgement from me and I really think people need to calm down with the comments regarding her “exploitation” – Blue is covered up and I really don’t see what it hurts. I would be pretty proud of being able to go nappy free and it’s way better for the environment too.


  • Not a fan on so many levels. Far too much oversharing, comes across a bit judgey and that poor child when they become a preteen and teenager.


  • If it works for her then that’s fantastic, however I don’t think it’s necessary putting pictures and videos like that up on the internet. You never know who’s about looking at them. It’s sad that we live in a time where everyone finds the need to inform every other person on the internet about their day to day lives. That poor little baby will grow up seeing that hundreds of thousands of random strangers have been commenting on her life since before she was even born. I would not be comfortable if my mum posted these kinds of photos of me. People will do anything for a ‘like’….


  • Each to their own. If she is happy and bub is happy then all is well in the World.


  • Good on her if she’s able to do that and save herself the trouble of nappies. I would not have even attempted it.


  • Completely her choice, as it is every mum’s individual choice.


  • It would be awesome if we could reduce disposable nappy use, im not sure this will take off tho. A 4 month old tapping her nappy and potty to indicate she needed to go……..???? You can’t keep bub that close to a potty 24/7. I have read that mums in third world countries do similar toilet training, mainly cos they have to. Most mums just don’t have the time to look for the slight cues.

    • yes indeed, mums in third world countries often carry the child on their hips; when they feel the muscles tightening they know that the child needs to pee/poo and respond on it.


  • Hey baby so she can choose and look at those smiles!


  • Her life, her baby, her choice indeed


  • I’ve seen a woman say that she potty trained her newborn so many years ago. And whilst I think it’s great, I personally never decided to do it. I do agree with others, however, that people should be careful in selecting the pictures they post of their children online. I’ve even read somewhere that kids have sued their parents for posting baby pictures of them without their permission.


  • Whilst I feel every parent has the right to bring up their child as they see fit and it is safe. However flashing your child’s nude body and toileting all over facebook is not appropriate. These photos will be there forever, how embarrassing when she gets older.


  • hmm… seems all a bit much for me.
    That poor baby! So much pressure of social media to portray things that seem quite unrealistic.


  • I don’t think I could have been bothered running to a potty when my babies were so young. Too many other things to be doing.


  • Yeah whatever works for them I guess


  • I wouldn’t try nappy free, but if it works for them, I’m certainly not going to criticise. I think valid concerns have been raised about her baby’s privacy, and I think she’s waving them off a little too easily. It won’t be long before that girl’s a teenager and cringing.


  • Its her choice.what i really dont like-putting photos of baby on ig…i dont think i will be happy to see my photos on my mum ig like that


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