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Today whilst feeding our baby there was a knock at the door.

So that I didn’t have to worry about trying to break the vacuum seal the baby had created over my breast, as well as remember to ‘make myself decent’ before opening the door and accidentally greeting whoever stood outside with my bare boob, my husband answered the door.

Luckily it was hubby’s day off and as an added bonus my husband knows me well enough to remember that my chances of accidentally flashing unsuspecting visitors are quite high!

Delivering More Than Just Packages

It was our Postie! Well, one out of the three wonderful posties that we are fortunate enough to call ours.

For the sake of the specifics, and just in case he ever comes across this article, I will mention it’s the one with little ones that have beautifully unique names, who loves his wife so very much that he empathises greatly with her pregnancies and is an all-round-good-guy!

The Truth!

“You are the luckiest guy I know” our Postie said to my hubby as he opened the door, “not only do you have a good number of kids, but you get to have an awesome bike and stuff!”

I think my husband was more than a little taken aback. I’m sure he has never seen it this way. And in roughly twenty words our Postie had delivered far more than a package of new activewear (which I will lounge around the house in pretending to still be a fitness freak), but the absolute truth, and I adore him for it!

Sometimes it takes someone externally looking in to make you truly see how incredibly blessed you are.

I’ve always felt tremendously fortunate in life, but I believe now my husband can feel the depth of our blessings also.

Feel Your Blessings

What more could anyone possibly need than being surrounded by their loved ones, food in their bellies and a place to call home… if you’ve got these things, you’re complete and if you’ve got even more like a job and materialistic things, then really, you’ve got it all!

Gosh we’ve got a Postie who really should have been a Wellness Coach, and we are grateful for his wise words and kind heart!

Stop Worrying About What You’re Missing Out On!

Sometimes you’re so busy thinking about what you’re missing out on by being a parent that you don’t realise how amazingly lucky you are each and every single day just to have everyone and everything that you do.

Thoughts about experiences that your childless mates are able to enjoy and you feel you’re missing out on can cloud your mind as well as your happiness and make it challenging to just be content with what you’ve got…

A common human flaw that is easy to adjust simply by taking a step back, a deep breath and counting your blessings each and every single day, because we are fortunate, we just need to encourage ourselves to truly feel it!

Thank you Mr. Postman, you are a legend!!!

Do you find it difficult to stop and appreciate your blessings? Do you have a friendship with your postie? Tell us in the comments below.

  • I sure meat nice people on my path and am thankful for it !

    • Oh no typo, meet not meat !


  • I practise mindfulness and appreciate everything in my life.


  • Words can make your day so easily


  • My posties are mysterious – they are never seen, but the parcels are always waiting by the door for me.


  • I’d settle for a postie that knocks and doesn’t just take it yo the post office haha


  • Nice posties are definitely hard to come by that’s for sure


  • We have two nice posties. They have a chat with us and even know our dog.


  • My delivery postie is so great. He cam see me walking on the street and stop and give me my parcels even if he just left note to pick them up from post office.


  • I used to struggle with seeing the good around me, but now I am much more appreciative of everything in my life.
    As for my postie, there’s a few that regularly deliver to my house but due to covid I’ve not seen them closer than at the bottom of my stairs.


  • My previous postie was friendly and a good guy!


  • Ha, our posties seem to be working to actively avoid being seen! They never knock or call out, even if the front door is open (screen door locked, of course). One even threw a parcel on the doormat, and when I called out “thank you” literally ran away. I don’t know what’s wrong with them, but they’re not doing their job, let alone anything extra!


  • My daughters boyfriend is a Postman and he loves it. He is always saying how some people are so kind and on those hot days give him bottle of water


  • I have been friends with my postman in the past they can be such lovely people I don’t have a postman now but
    The lady at my local post office is like family to me after 10 years of going there to get my mail


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