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Nothing says spring like a beautiful bouquet in an even more dazzling vase.

With DIY projects officially pronounced as one of the top trends for 2013, it only makes sense we all incorporate it in our home décor. Everyone has old mason jars rolling around in their pantries (or you can get some very cheaply online). The only logical question is what CAN you do with them. Naturally, your imagination is the limit. I have seen thrifty mums make fascinating redneck wine glasses with mason jars and candle holders, fabulous chandeliers and even fancy cocktail glasses.

Let’s begin with something easier, though. For me the best way to master the thrifty mum’s DIY skills is one step at a time. So, I would like to start with the basics: how to paint mason jars. There are two paths you can take:

  1. Paint the insides of the jars – this will give you a nice glossy finish (just like the one in my pictures);
  2. Paint the exterior of the jars – this is particularly useful if you want to create shabby chick vases with a little bit worn out look. Just like the ones in Mason Jar Crafts Love.

Items You Will Need to Paint the Mason Jars:

  1. Mason Jars (as many as you would like to paint);
  2. Acrylic Paints (your favourite spring colours);
  3. Brushes or Plastic Spoons;
  4. Cardboard/ Kitchen Paper/ Old Magazines or Newspapers.
*Note: If you need to mix the paints to get a brighter colour, you should also get disposable containers. For instance, if you prefer baby pink instead of passionate magenta, you can mix red and white.

How to Paint the Mason Jars:

1. Mix the Paint (if necessary).

In case you plan to colorise several jars with the same paint, you can prepare the mixture in a plastic container. However, this step is only necessary if you aren’t happy with the original shades and hues in your acrylic paint set.

2. Squirt Paint into the Jar. 

Fill about half an inch from the bottom and close the mason jar with its lid.

mason jar crafts

3. Shake the Jar.

This is the most entertaining part of the entire project. Just make sure the paint has covered every inch of the jar before you stop shaking.

You can enlist the help of your little angels. I can guarantee they will have fun assisting mummy. Well, you also risk loosing some of the mason jars in the process but in my opinion it is well worth it.

One simple warning, though, make sure you do this outdoors or in a secure environment as cleaning acrylic paint is not a fun job.

4. Turn the Jars Upside Down.

Once the entire inner surface of the mason jars is covered with acrylic paint, you should open the lid and carefully turn them upside down. Make it on a piece of cardboard, several layers of kitchen paper or on an old magazine. As long as you are certain the paint drips won’t soak in them and get to the surface underneath, you needn’t worry about anything. Leave the jars turned upside down for 24 hours (enough time for the acrylic paint to dry completely).

mason jar crafts

Have fun decorating your brand new vases!

Don’t forget that these painted mason jars are only suitable for decoration. You shouldn’t use them to serve beverages!


  • They are so bright and cheerful.


  • Thankyou so much for sharing this as I just found about 200 jars in the garage and the realestate said I could keep them &they are all wrapped in newspaper so just need a clean then Im definately going to do this and also with childrens paints let them make some vases for their rooms 🙂


  • These are great thank you the kids and i can do this in the holidays


  • Great idea. Thanks for the how to!


  • I am so going to try this


  • These are beautiful, wish I had talent!

    • Hey, Memo! DOn’t worry this is a very, very easy craft, I am sure you can make some awesome painted jars!


  • What a good idea.must try this


  • Acrylic paints, here I come! 🙂 this would be lovely for peach blossom branch with flowers


  • these look gorgeous! what a great idea. will give this a go. thankyou


  • These would be great for centre pieces for the table at Xmas or even as a Xmas tree. After painting the jars in your preferred colours, you can put dead tree branches (also painted if preferred) in the jars and hang baubles and other Xmas decorations from them.

    • That’s a really creative idea, CASSANDRAMTUCKER! Last year I did an alternative Christmas tree session on my blog but I have honestly never though about making one from mason jars. Truly an inspiring idea! Thank you!


  • Love these! Great idea to get the glossy look by painting the inside:)


  • I didn’t realize what pretty vases they make! What a wonderful idea for Spring and Summer.


  • How cool is this!! So trying this!


  • my kids would love making these, great gifts for the grandparents for Christmas!


  • Wow with Christmas just around the corner, what agreat way to decorate the table and you could even give them as gifts.I’m thinking what great Kris Kringle pressies.


  • I’m going to make some red, green and gold ones for xmas.


  • This is so great I’m going to try for christmas


  • I love mason jars, we pickle onions, make sauces, relishes etc & use these. I am looking at mason jars forms upcoming wedding as a centrepiece with a something pretty in them, not sure what yet. This has given me an idea such as painting them, I used to do folk art painting, I’m sure I could make something pretty 🙂

    • Wow, I am certain you will make stunning centrepieces. I, for one, would really love to see some pictures of your work later. You can paint the mason jars from the outside and then use sandpaper to give them a shabby chick look, if that is of any help 🙂


  • these look fantastic. what great christmas gifts. thanks for a fab idea


  • These are fantastic ,definitely bookmarking for Granddaughter in the Xmas holidays
    Means nice new bright summer vases for me ,fun for her
    Maybe if she’s lucky her mum might get 1 or 2 as a present 🙂


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