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Aubree and Josh Jones admit they don’t want their six children to be ‘regular’ – and have given them unique names to help them stand out.

The influencers, from Utah, say they cop plenty of negativity for their children’s names, but they wouldn’t have it any other way.

six kids with unique names

The couple recently posted a TikTok, introducing their children to their new followers, revealing their names are:

  • Trendy Chanelle, 11
  • Zaylee Ruth, 9
  • Sunny Love, 7
  • Truly Éclair, 5
  • Journey Rey, 2
  • Rocky Joshua, four months

“We want our children to be different — we want them to stand out,” Aubree told TODAY. “Like with Trendy — we want her to get out there and start her own trends and do her own thing.”

“When people ask, ‘Why don’t you give them regular names?’ I’m like, I don’t want my children to be regular.”

There are meaningful stories behind the names:

Aubree loved the name Trendy even before she met her husband, and her middle name was inspired by Coco Chanel.

While Zaylee came about via divine intervention, with Aubree saying she was inspired through prayer. Truly is a nod to Truly Scrumptious, a character from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and Truly’s middle name, Éclair, means ‘flash of lightening’ in French.

“Truly was born in an hour and 30 minutes — she came out like lightning,” Aubree said.

Journey’s name has a Biblical influence.

“I was actually struggling to get pregnant and I opened up a Scripture and the word journey was repeated like 30 times,” Aubree said. “A couple of days later, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive, and I knew in that moment that we would name the baby Journey. It has so much meaning to us.”

And the youngest, Rocky, born in December last year, was the name picked out for either a boy or a girl.

What do you think of these unique names? Let us know in the comments below. 

  • I have an unusual name myself so I know it has its positives and its negatives.


  • Don’t see why she would need to defend herself, they are her children.


  • If she is allowed to use the names. Why not. Sunny is quite common. I heard of Rocky.


  • They are not as bad as I was expecting, but not something I would choose.


  • They’re not weird, but I don’t think the kids will appreciate them when older.


  • They are cute names. Nothing wrong with being an individual and not giving common names.


  • I’ve seen a lot worse.


  • It will be interesting to find out how much the children like their names when they are older. At least they aren’t outrageously spelled names which makes it harder for all in the long run.


  • Ive seen alot harder name to spell and pronounce. As long as its not an obvious name for bullying then being different is great.


  • I’ve seen a lot of weirder names than these ones. Plus they’re easy to spell. By the time their children are older, their names will probably be more common than you’d think.


  • Their kids…. they can chooose whatever names they like


  • 2 of those names are somewhat normalish and even Sunny is okay, but love as a middle name? These people are going to grow up and hate it one day…


  • These names are lovely 🙂


  • Each to their own! They can do as they please.


  • The names are not so bad at all. Some nice names to be honest.


  • I don’t have a problem with any of them. There is a beautiful story for each.


  • so many unique names in the world now that anything seems to go.

    • I agree; there is a huge variety of names.


  • I think these names are pretty mild really. My grandsons have very unique names because my daughter is very alternate. I’m not going to name them here because someone might recognise them and I don’t want to embarrass them if people put up bad remarks. But this family is great and the kids names are pretty good too.


  • We can’t stop them…


  • To be honest they are quite cute names nothing wrong with them

    • I agree, these names are not that outstanding and quite nice


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